Aaaaa! for the Awesome/Musorqua Ugly Prototype #5

März 11, 2012 · Posted in Allgemein 

Based on further feedback, here’s the final prototype (Prototype #5) for our now-confirmed 14th title. We’ve taken Aaaaa! and smashed it together with Musorqua. This is a beginning. We’re Dejobaan Games, LLC, a small, indie game developer located around Boston, MA. Visit us online at

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13 Responses to “Aaaaa! for the Awesome/Musorqua Ugly Prototype #5”

  1. SakuraMaxx on Dezember 25th, 2009 02:00

    Just throwing out a suggestion: What if the fall speed started out slow, but would started increasing in speed if the music track got louder or more complex?

  2. VaelVictus on Dezember 25th, 2009 02:00

    My only fear for the prototype is its level of complexity. I’m a pretty avid gamer, so I’d just take up any challenge, but others may be put off. I’m sure you’ll build up skill with great tutorials like you did with AaaAa anyway.

  3. ChazDragoon on Dezember 25th, 2009 02:00

    Looking good. I’m not sure if you guys know how or can do it but: If you can find a way to make levels generate themselves based on a music track that could add near-unlimited replay value since each level would be different because of the song…if that made any sense? (kind of like how Audiosurf does it only Aaaaaaa! Style…. :D )

  4. Maelorn on Dezember 25th, 2009 02:00

    Resetting your score multiplier to zero, and sending you spinning (similar to, or possibly a little worse than over-friendly wall hugging) seems perfectly reasonable.
    Might seem too severe to go spinning even harder when you faceplant, but 1) your multiplier won’t get any worse for subsequent impacts, 2) you were probably doing something pretty reckless (see: awesome) anyway, and 3) it’s no fun if it’s not risky. Just so long as it’s not LEVEL OVER when you fail to pull off an awesome stunt.

  5. stompywitch on Dezember 25th, 2009 02:00

    That would take it from “quite cool!” to “totally awesome”. If it’s at all possible, yes please :D

  6. dejobaan on Dezember 25th, 2009 02:00

    Yeah; something more subtle for the blue blips, and maybe align the lead changeover to half a measure. Thank you for the thoughts!

  7. dejobaan on Dezember 25th, 2009 02:00

    Right now, there’s no penalty — one of our interns suggested a score multiplier, and I’m thinking of basically just halving that if the player hits something(?)

  8. Azeltir on Dezember 25th, 2009 02:00

    I still don’t like the sound the blue dots make, for whatever that’s worth. And the sudden shift for the lead was jarring – perhaps a longer fade would work, but the songs seemed almost incompatible. Still! The gameplay looks really fun. I can’t wait to see what bits of Dejobaan flavor will worm their way into everything.


  9. Kordesh on Dezember 25th, 2009 02:00

    Oh no, trust me, I’m aware at how much of a pain in the ass it would be from a technical standpoint, but it would still make it at least 2.3x more awesome than it currently is 8D.

  10. Maelorn on Dezember 25th, 2009 02:00

    With this level of complexity, I’d seriously recommend reducing the penalty for colliding with objects.
    Death in Reckless Defiance of Gravity was fair and reasonable, but these levels look to be vastly more active, and an instant game over (especially looking at that spiral o’ death from 0:43 to 1:10 ) would seem considerably less fun.

  11. shaman666 on Dezember 25th, 2009 02:00

    looks overly complicated, but I’m sure you guys will get this done in a way that will end up great

  12. dejobaan on Dezember 25th, 2009 02:00

    Hey, I’m willing to experiment with non-pre-set tracks.

    I was thinking about this in bed last night — part of my brain complained about what it’ll take to try it, but what the hell. :)

  13. Kordesh on Dezember 25th, 2009 02:00

    This actually looks pretty cool. Still a shame it’s going to need to use pre-set tracks, but cool none the less.

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