Dualshock Sony announces Playstation 4 [full show, eng] Shadow

August 25, 2010 · Posted in Videos zu Playstation 

Sony hat in New York die Playstation 4 angekündigt. Ich zeige euch die komplette Pressekonferenz in voller Länge. Inklusive Ankündigung von Watch Dogs, inFamous: Second Son, Dualshock 4, Destiny, Killzone: Shadow Fall und Diablo 3.
Video Bewertung: 5 / 5

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17 Responses to “Dualshock Sony announces Playstation 4 [full show, eng] Shadow”

  1. Ryldux on Februar 23rd, 2013 23:43

    i fought the war

  2. MrBlaubeere93 on Februar 23rd, 2013 23:46

    Does someone know, what is the name of the song that beginns at 00:46?

  3. yes90125 on Februar 24th, 2013 00:29

    Take note NINTENDO and NINTENDO owners!! 1:15:13….” in a medium like ours,technology is very important.It is what we rely on to get the player emotionaly involved”. Not gimmicks but technology.With that I say good night and good night Gregory Peck!!

  4. yes90125 on Februar 24th, 2013 01:24

    R.I.P Wii U……………Sony has done everything that NINTENDO failed to do.

  5. Jasper Brownrigg on Februar 24th, 2013 02:18

    This is the best quality recording of the stream I’ve found so far! So many problems with the online stream.

  6. captainjapan101 on Februar 24th, 2013 03:01

    Thanks For Uploading! Excellent!

  7. MrNounce on Februar 24th, 2013 03:20

    This is ridiculous. This isn’t a gaming console. It’s a big iPhone

  8. ChikoMusik1 on Februar 24th, 2013 04:02

    ps4*.*<3 i need it now !!!!!!

  9. Ayan Bhatnagar on Februar 24th, 2013 04:34

    Ok got it

  10. Ayan Bhatnagar on Februar 24th, 2013 04:43

    What’s the name of that guy who comes to display knack?

  11. Ayan Bhatnagar on Februar 24th, 2013 05:32

    Where’s the console?

  12. 360Usr on Februar 24th, 2013 06:04

    DIABLO III on a console? **wipes mouth of drool**

  13. Astrot007 on Februar 24th, 2013 06:05


  14. 360Usr on Februar 24th, 2013 06:55

    1:11:00 in to it, so far, no talk on security. I want to migrate into sony, but being hacked easily worries me. So far no mentioning of safety.

  15. chaTzon on Februar 24th, 2013 07:37

    good work!

  16. MaxiNiki on Februar 24th, 2013 08:35

    SONY: We didn’t build a BOX!!!
    Take that Microsoft!!!

  17. SkyTeCxGaming on Februar 24th, 2013 09:01


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