E3 2011 Street Fighter Vs Tekken. Sony Playstation Vita PSP 2 To Have Playstation 3 Quality Graphics

Juni 11, 2011 · Posted in Videos zu Playstation 

E3 2011 Street Fighter Vs Tekken. Sony Playstation Vita PSP 2 To Have Playstation 3 Quality Graphics

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15 Responses to “E3 2011 Street Fighter Vs Tekken. Sony Playstation Vita PSP 2 To Have Playstation 3 Quality Graphics”

  1. go2viraj on Juni 11th, 2011 20:59

    he have really big pocket

  2. mishulong on Juni 11th, 2011 20:59

    go tentacle p0rn, go animu, go giant swords!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!oneone!!!!
    wait what is this vid about?

  3. Sugadaddy774 on Juni 11th, 2011 20:59

    This guy is so goofy.

    Game looks good, though that’s what we’ve come to expect from SF.

  4. HumanTrooper on Juni 11th, 2011 20:59

    @MegaUploaderUser007 he fits it…well sortive he at least looks as ridiculous as all the other people from SF and Tekken LOL

  5. HumanTrooper on Juni 11th, 2011 20:59

    @jdiaz97 i was loling the entire time HAHA WTF??? hes so stoked and your right cocky haha its so funny to watch i cant stop laughing

  6. sorsytube on Juni 11th, 2011 20:59

    what, so he COULD speak english!?

  7. clay81000 on Juni 11th, 2011 20:59

    that guy is not from tekken !

  8. InsideBurningIce on Juni 11th, 2011 20:59

    @jdiaz97 you mean WANGY? xD

  9. TheMuslimHacker on Juni 11th, 2011 20:59

    @jdiaz97 Emm I Dont Know What Cocky Means But He Sure Is Very vEry Homosexually Sodomisty.

    Salaam My Dear Brother

  10. jdiaz97 on Juni 11th, 2011 20:59

    haha cocky japanese guy, look at his face hes so cocky. haha

  11. MegaUploaderUser007 on Juni 11th, 2011 20:59

    why the fuck is cole in this game. mk9 suited kratos but cole really in tekken and street fighter WTF?

  12. sixins on Juni 11th, 2011 20:59

    Tell that to the 3DS owners that play Street Fighter IV 3D on 30 fps in 3D mode.

  13. yungmatt009 on Juni 11th, 2011 20:59


  14. XXXXNanoXXXxxx on Juni 11th, 2011 20:59

    @sixins of it is going to run 60fps dumb question

  15. sixins on Juni 11th, 2011 20:59

    Day 1 purchase for me if it’ll run on 60 fps.

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