FIFA 09 Advanced Skills Tutorial (Ps3)

April 14, 2023 · Posted in Allgemein 

Chest Flick Tutorial: –NO! THIS CAN’T BE DONE ON PS2 OR PC!– Advanced tricks and juggling for Fifa09 for Playstation 3. Additional info: 0:10-0:20 Kick Ups Works only when standing 0:20-0:39 Around The World Also only when standing still, the timing on the rotation of the RS is important. 0:40-0:55 Laces Flick – Overhead Flick Instructions apply when player facing away from the camera. 0:55-1:01 Rainbow Flick Timing on last RS flick is the most important thing. Instructions …

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25 Responses to “FIFA 09 Advanced Skills Tutorial (Ps3)”

  1. borokid2k8 on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    cheers m8

  2. edrees85 on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    thanks :)

  3. FrappMocha on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    Left Stick.

  4. nelsonwouters on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    yes boy dads god

  5. marken92 on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    Yes you can do all this while playing, but remember that you almost never got the time for half of it, unless your opponent really sux! :)

  6. edrees85 on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    whats the LS button?

  7. xboxkid91 on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    good video, nice moves.. watch my vid. :D

  8. JugglingStein on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37


  9. mrmegaman1234 on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    Can it work it actual gameplay?

  10. oceanghost2006 on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    good video i raTED 5 STARS

  11. GoalCentre77 on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    fifa o1 is claas

  12. Nirsassy on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    its also work on xbox360, thanks :]

  13. RedDevilxLC on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    Whats the song btw… and nice vid

  14. champ74 on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    thanks that really helped.

    P.s do you know what stadium has the red goal nets. Not the estadio de whatever but where the nets are totaly red


  15. logicalfear on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    Thank You, I ‘ll have it soon.

  16. Kiddell07 on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    You can do any trick in a match, but youll have to do the stick movements according to which way youre facing
    - the movements in this video are when youre player is moving across the pitch

  17. logicalfear on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    I have a very important question, Can I do these moves while I am playing against a team? or it’s just for training !! pls answer I wanna buy it for my ps3.

  18. chapplin1306 on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    watch these amazing goals!


  19. elsalbaje305 on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    ‘thanks man i learn some cool tricks here

  20. lolh4x on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    It doesn’t work for Ps2, read the description dumbfuck.

  21. BabyGJWZ on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    Is it the same for ps 2.?

  22. H3nn3rz101 on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    Great vid…

  23. devilgod54 on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    yes your ps3 owns my xbox….. as a paperweight

  24. nawal10 on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    sik vid ma, whats da song kalled??

  25. 2MN0 on Juli 29th, 2009 20:37

    Nice thts crazy fifa freestyle LOL anyways hey guys check out my videos on how to do some nice freestyle moves likke ATW(around the world) and other flick ups and check out my chanell Thanks!!! :)

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