Happy Birthday PlayStation!

Mai 28, 2011 · Posted in Videos zu Playstation 

Join us in celebration of our 15th Anniversary!

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25 Responses to “Happy Birthday PlayStation!”

  1. DamnITsOfficial on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    for fuck mother fuckin sak ps3 if pissin me off takes 2 long 2 sign in i dont want 2 go back 2 ps3 since it got hacked ent in the mood off it. it was gone for so long

  2. xXxalex1996xXx on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    Has anyone ever reposed why playstation is so good they cant make anything right since the ps2 for example psp worst thing I ever bought I got mine the year it came out bam didn’t work inside the box so I returned it same thing was broken in the box and then I happened a third time so I got my money back and saved for a ps3 which I can’t even play right now because pan is down so what I did and what everyone should do is trade in their ps3 for an xbox it was the greatest decision of my life

  3. voro122 on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    @aldrinricardo96br Don’t forget the PSX and the PocketStation :D

  4. AbbeyGWilliamz on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    I really love this video. Can I #RANDSET(return the favor|give back|return the offer|share too|share something as well)

  5. ps3gamertagc021297 on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35


  6. RYNO08450 on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    we salute the playstation nation (sniff,cry)

  7. zzzzzz192 on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    I love playstation! I just hope PSN will be working soon. Lol

  8. IvanPlayStation4LiFe on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    Awesome video I luv Sony. My first console was in bought for me in 1998 PlayStation and ever since I have become a loyal fanatic and I own every PlayStation Sony has ever made. Sony is the greatest video game and electronic in general company in the world. The PlayStation name is the most powerful name in gaming period.

  9. sadfe54549 on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    epic when i heard the starting tunes for all consoles…

  10. 1trueNRG on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    PaRappa, Ratchet, and Sackboy brought the games to the kids and told in to their cousins and bros who told it to their jobless dads and made it what it is today… Congrats PlayStation franchise, you are the ultimate.

  11. Dosx0001 on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    man can’t believe how many times i watch this it just so beautiful it makes my heart so good inside ;)

  12. aldrinricardo96br on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    PS History: PS, PSOne, PS2, PS2 Slim, PSP, PS3, PS3 Slim, PSPgo, PS 3D, PS Move and NGP. (9 consoles and 2 acessories TOTAL: 11)
    Now the Xbox History: Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox 360 Kinect and Xbox 360 Slim (3 consoles and 1 acessorie TOTAL: 4)
    PlayStation wins!!!
    PlayStation Forever, until PS10 or more!!!!!

  13. TheUnitedfreakk on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    To shame that the Ps3 started off at about 700£, that’s why it took me until 2009 to buy one.

  14. EpPartTV on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    Btw…Every new console has a new controller :P

    PlayStation (1):
    1. DualShock

    PlayStation 2:
    1. DualShock 2
    2. Eyetoy

    PlayStation 3:
    1. Dualshock 3
    2. PlayStation Eye
    3. PlayStation Move

  15. EpPartTV on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    I love PlayStation and Sony. My grandma give me a Brithday Card with lots of stuff of Sony

  16. jbeanz85 on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    Google “viewet” to get over 10000 views daily for free!

  17. zzzzzz192 on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    Remember… Xbox won’t exist if it isn’t for PLAYSTATION!

  18. littlemissdeidre on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    i love my playstation 2 and 3 and i will always will. i wish i had the playstation 1

  19. TranslucentChao on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    f the playstations birthday this the dreamcasts birthday

  20. gsp1995 on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    I’ve been playing on my PS1 until now that I got my PS3.

  21. BlackwalkG on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    Best anniversary commercial of PlayStation ever !!!

  22. gsp1995 on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    Can’t imagine myself today if I never had a Playstation.

  23. Blondyman1305 on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    the eyeToy came out way before the Kinect…suck on that Xbox!

  24. CandyHam on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    @verbic96 The 1st song (PSone) is “New Heat” by Stardeath and White Dwarfs

    the 2nd song (PS2) is “Clarion Call” by Delphic

    the 3rd song (PSP) is “SOFI Needs a Ladder” by Deadmau5

    The final song (PS3) is “Where I’m Going” by Cut Copy

  25. andrei007ps on Mai 28th, 2011 06:35

    Playstation will ever be the best

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