Infos Metal Gear Solid 4 – Playstation 3 Playstation

August 21, 2009 · Posted in Videos zu Playstation 

Metal Gear Solid 4 – Playstation 3 Mehr Infos auf
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25 Responses to “Infos Metal Gear Solid 4 – Playstation 3 Playstation”

  1. Reticences on Januar 20th, 2012 08:01

    @Rhyan1243 Yeah, sure… You made the comment 2 years ago and where is it? I has even been CONFIRMED that it WON’T come out for the Xbox 360. But, don’t get me wrong, I like both of them! Ps3 and Xbox 360. Yet I’d rather Ps3, then the Wii, and then the Xbox 360…

  2. LimeMiiQ on Januar 20th, 2012 08:36

    @indian60314 I didn’t know PC was a console :0 Cool.

  3. Zaroon115 on Januar 20th, 2012 08:55

    @JapaneseMan007 No Actually the first Game was just “Metal Gear” and it was on the MSX Computer System in Japan so yeah…

  4. bl4ck5ku11 on Januar 20th, 2012 09:33

    lol at 6:33 he says that the robotor is equipped with a cell processor, isn’t that the processor of the ps3??

  5. Ruthielpc700 on Januar 20th, 2012 10:06

    i downloaded this on my personal computer for exactly free. google “ps3 quick download” and is it the very first link. What a crazy good ps3 game!

    Just as summarize by Duck and Cover, demonstration from a preliminary under wraps in an embargo hearing held in December

  6. uchiwha on Januar 20th, 2012 10:42

    4:23 did he shot adrenaline into himself?

  7. ILikeGirlsKissGirls1 on Januar 20th, 2012 11:04

    ps3 is th shit .. no red ring of shity death.. thank god and sony for ps3 lol <333!!

  8. MsTobby111 on Januar 20th, 2012 11:49

    o matheus e ovo de bode ..

  9. TheSr2king on Januar 20th, 2012 11:58

    ok rolik98 the ps3 is the best for you but for other people no

  10. indian60314 on Januar 20th, 2012 12:20

    Yeah the PC is the best Console but PS 3 is better than the X360

  11. saleserb on Januar 20th, 2012 12:39

    yes too!! check Metal Gear Online Trailers Gameplay….But the story of MGS4 is the best..The Game is a Must Have Game

  12. Gundi44 on Januar 20th, 2012 13:10

    Is it an online game?

  13. Gundi44 on Januar 20th, 2012 13:38

    Is it an online game?

  14. rolik98 on Januar 20th, 2012 13:44

    ps3 is the best fuck xbox 360

  15. rolik98 on Januar 20th, 2012 14:04

    ps3 is the best

  16. JapaneseMan007 on Januar 20th, 2012 14:55

    Just to clear things up, Metal Gear Solid was originally on Nintendo Entertainment System.

    Super Smash Brothers Brawl basically didn’t have much Ideas of characters so they put the classic characters in actions. Such as Pit, from Kid Icarus and Snake from Metal Gear Solid. That is why Nintendo has a few Metal Gear Games like the Twin Snakes.
    Honestly the rumor about mgs4 going to XBOX360 is not going to happen. But might have a LITTLE chance.

  17. DoMo13579 on Januar 20th, 2012 15:42

    there is some games have to be on ps2 not on ps3 like (haven sowrds), MGS4 is really nice on ps3 more than ever :)

  18. AndreGilzao on Januar 20th, 2012 16:42

    I like ps3 so much.Wii too , but ps3 are better for me

  19. halo117demonmaster on Januar 20th, 2012 17:08

    i think 360 are nice and ps3 not but thats what i think so if you not aggre then i dont care. but pc are still the king. i dont like wii

  20. Digman2012 on Januar 20th, 2012 17:27

    wow people you do realize that Metal Gear is no longer owned by sony, MGS4 was the last in the series, kojima wanted snake in brawl and now no one knows whats going to happen to him, maybe we will play as another solid snake clone? and maybe we will play it on the 360 or the wii.

  21. QuoiRoc on Januar 20th, 2012 17:59

    MGS is a nintendo game thats where it started. Playstation bought it in 98.

  22. tyanboy on Januar 20th, 2012 18:52

    Lol hes over 70 years old !!!! :D
    nd Ps3 Suxxxxx

  23. madridboy86 on Januar 20th, 2012 19:21

    this is the very first trailer for mgs 4

  24. guemboy on Januar 20th, 2012 19:28

    wtf are you retarded or wat is Snake but he is lod because of his genetic structure and all that things that is solid snake which is now called old snake

  25. guemboy on Januar 20th, 2012 20:19

    no its not lol

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