“Michael” – PS3 Long Live Play — Full Length

Oktober 7, 2011 · Posted in Videos zu Playstation 

When they tell your story, what will they say? www.longliveplay.com

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25 Responses to ““Michael” – PS3 Long Live Play — Full Length”

  1. micpere1991 on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    I’m glad my name is Michael and i have a PS3…

  2. biosector07 on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    @IxIPaincakesIxI you get off the internet little kid

  3. GamingEditorz on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    @Targetsyou true your right

  4. BornWithAnAK on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    i almost shit my pants when ezio or ghost appeared

  5. TheCCrunner98 on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    @Chappy1567 that’s what i’m thinking..

  6. Pleasuremancer on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    @VideoGameMaster003 No, last of the current story arc. There will be more Gears, for as long as they rake in money.

  7. jmg24bad on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    1:30 – 1:33 best part of the video

  8. Chappy1567 on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    Why is the Army soldier talking about being pinned down on Omaha Beach when he parachuted in with the airborne??

  9. GamingEditorz on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    and the guy from little big planet was vs a joker with firey in chess

  10. thersabugonmytv on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    I’m michel

  11. speckled5 on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    What is the song in this?

  12. JayBM11 on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    Michael looks like the guy from SMOSH

  13. TehTechnoMiser on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55


    F*ck yes.

  14. LFDN22 on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55


    Michael is gamers you or Michael, your brother is Michael, your friend is Michael

  15. Targetsyou on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    Kratos should of said something

  16. xLifaenx on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    This is the most epic thing i’ve ever saw in my whole life! And surely i’ll never see something so epic!

  17. GamingEditorz on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    yeah ghost is alive in really life

  18. TehKaizokuKing on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    Everyone in the vid: 0:00-0:45 medal of honor 0:45 Ghost (Modern Warfare 2) 0:48 Drake (Uncharted) Lightning (FF XIII) 0:56 Cole (Infamous) Helghast (Killzone) 1:00 Isaac (Deadspace), Hitman 47 (Hitman), Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal) 1:05 Old Snake (MGS4) 1:16 Chell (Portal) 1:17 Sackboy (Little big planet) 1:19 Athena &Kratos (God of war) 1:23 Paul Phoenix (Tekken) 1:33 ISA trooper (Killzone) 1:38 Little Sister (Bioshock) 1:46 Ezio (Assasin’s creed) 1:52 Chimera Hybrid (Resistance) 2:00 Michael

  19. Arthurthe1234 on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    When the whole bloody worlds gone crazy

    hillgat Sector 9


  20. VideoGameMaster003 on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    Halo is going to keep milking halo until they have no more ideas. And this was the last Gears.

  21. darkshado223 on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    @IxIPaincakesIxI I don’t get it, what part of that was talking shit? And what makes you think he’s 14?

  22. tkballer216 on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    wat a fucking epic commercial

  23. x82ndODSTx on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    Best… Commercial… Ever… Nuff said…

  24. ThisIsWonga1 on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    @TheFi3Ndx You were going well up until you said “And pc stay out of this your not a gaming console you a computer ”

    Games consoles are computers too. And PCs have their many advantages over consoles for gaming.

  25. ExtremeVideosArchive on Oktober 7th, 2011 21:55

    Amazing kick knockout! /watch?v=JcaYGC6Eloo

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