
Dezember 29, 2010 · Posted in Allgemein 

how to clean a playstation??? do you have to or can you just wipe it down with windex? how do you clean where the disc goes?

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3 Responses to “Playstation?”

  1. krisaqua on Juni 12th, 2009 20:38

    I recently bought some canned air and sprayed it on the playstation. It really helped clean the back where you can’t get in the little grooves.

  2. Abby K on Juni 12th, 2009 22:30

    It’s funny you ask that because we just cleaned ours. My husband actually took it apart and as long as your care full you can clean inside it with a vacuum attachment and a dust cloth. Ours stopped reading the games because dust had blocked the “laser eye”. Just be careful about putting screws, etc. in order so you can put it back together again. Now it reads the games. You can take it to an electronics store but they will probably charge you an arm and a leg for something you can do at home…just be careful and it’ll be fine. Use Q-tips too(no chemicals).

  3. Jenna on Juni 13th, 2009 01:30

    canned air for the actual disc tray. DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING IN THERE. and alcoholl wipes for the exterior. don’t use those antibacterial wipes since they are oversaturated with solutions and can seep into the housing causing damage.

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