Smoke Mic Prototype One

Oktober 8, 2011 · Posted in Allgemein 

World’s first laser-smoke microphone prototype of US Patent 7580533. Noisy and rough, but like a talking dog, the main thing is, it talks.

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20 Responses to “Smoke Mic Prototype One”

  1. imon2nd on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    Hello, jahcriado.

    Liquid won’t work because it is practically incompressible; the sound pressure waves don’t change the density of the liquid enough to “read.”

    A permanent suspension of particles in gas is too noisy; reverberation is uncontrollable and the pressure waves in the medium become chaotic.

    A moving “ribbon” of smoke or fog gives the pressure waves something to “write” on that is always a clean slate, provided the ribbon moves fast enough.

    This type of mic can look conventional.

  2. jahcriado on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    I’m wondering how you could make this more… conventional looking. I could see it working fine if there was a way to do a permanent suspension in air & have the laser shine through it, but I have not seen a gas mix that stays suspended & not condensing or the ratio fluxing. Could a liquid solution be used?

  3. lwanatt on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    really? i just have a hard time imagining the measurements in the modulations of smoke to be more ueseful than other possible mediums, just a thought, maybe shine a lazer at a diaphragm that could refract the beam, or is using light to measure sound the proprietary concept here?

  4. killerkewlaide on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    Fantastic work! Tthere are many aplications that I can think of with a bit more development. I am a audio professional (live concert sound and studio recording) and am very excited about this.

  5. mytfinn on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    Truly revolutionary. Proof of concept, and still a work in progress. Yeah team!

  6. imon2nd on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08


    You’re right. Sorry about that.

    We’re upgrading our AV production values for the Prototype Two clips. Coming soon.



  7. gtochad on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    pulling a Thomas Edison with the poem eh?

  8. synthtubedotcom on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    This is great, but… Not to be a curmudgeon, but.. For a so called “Audio professional”, the standard and quality of your audio on these videos is absolutely unforgivable. Hire a real sound recordist next time.
    (Audio professional with 15 years experience)

  9. Disasteradio on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    Absolutely amazing! Good luck at AES!

  10. imon2nd on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08


    I’m hoping some mic manufacturers will be interested. We’ll see what happens at the AES conference & exhibit in New York next month.



  11. anmpir on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    You make it fundamentally possible, they tidy it up. Is that the plan this time around too? :) Thanks for the reply!

  12. imon2nd on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    Thanks, anmpir.

    Note that my audio compression patent from 1983 was only one of at least four main contributors to the MPEG Audio Layer 3 standard. Fraunhofer Institute’s work is what made MP3 sound acceptable.

  13. anmpir on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    Wonderful idea & ultimately, super cool! It’s just a prototype, stop complaining about horrid sound quality. If anybody can improve sound quality using this method it’s the guys who invented MP3!

  14. skateplanb94 on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    Yes, hanooter, sorry about that. We will pay more attention to sound quality in our next video.

  15. hanooter on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    wow, for being sound gurus, the sound in this video was absolutely horrible. I could barely hear you in some parts.

  16. CaptainRidley on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    I’m going to keep my eyes on this. This could be huge.

  17. imon2nd on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    You’re absolutely right. The next video, showing Prototype Two will be posted this week and I promise we’ll get the sound of the video clip done properly.


  18. badmanners411 on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    I’d be more enthused, if the video makers were able to make a video with better sound quality. An off camera microphone, e.g. a lapel mic would greatly improve this clip.

  19. imon2nd on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    Thanks, Mike!

    I have a story about the mic pending at Kuro5hin. We’ll see if they vote it in.



  20. funkmike on Oktober 2nd, 2009 02:08

    Hay this is cool you should post a story about this on k5

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