UFC 2009 Undisputed – Rich Franklin vs. Dan Henderson (UFC 93) #1

März 27, 2022 · Posted in Allgemein 

UFC 2009 Undisputed – Rich Franklin vs. Dan Henderson (UFC 93) #1; The champion fighters of the UFC return to the videogame octagon with this game licensed by the fighting franchise. For more videos check out PS3Obsession.com.

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25 Responses to “UFC 2009 Undisputed – Rich Franklin vs. Dan Henderson (UFC 93) #1”

  1. juicejoyjip on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    who cares?

  2. westcoastcripz4lyfe on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    ohh icic i havent come across the option yet…i agree, itll feel pretty stupid knowing when yur about to get knocked out,

  3. Reallydakid on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    They do have health bars you just have to go to options to turn them on. I dont use the health bars though. Just feels odd.

  4. westcoastcripz4lyfe on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    it wuld be stupid if they had health bars because you would know when yur gonna get knocked out/tapped out etc. I already have the game and it has no health bars but it has stamina bars. the online like everyone else said could have better flow but its still a wicked game…ITS A MUST HAVE!

  5. MultaniDK on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    Rich Franklin for the win, can’t wait to try this game

  6. superitachiguy on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23


  7. mack15Default on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    Yes there is health bars you can toggle them on and off if you want i am leaving them off.

  8. reliablethreat23 on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    are the championship belts included in this game??? im looking foward to fighting my friends for a title belt

  9. thechadster251 on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    yes there are health bars in the game. you have to turn it on through options.

  10. crashr186 on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    yea thats the only way its diff then the wwe games i think

  11. synystershadows7x on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    Hell yeah it is.

  12. vinceyuen88 on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    thats awesome!!

  13. synystershadows7x on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    This is NOT a boxing game so dont compare it to Fight Night. I’m getting sick of it. There is way more to program in an MMA game and its difficult to do the ground game and make it work in a video game. And watch some newer videos on IGN. The moves arent as choppy anymore.

  14. synystershadows7x on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    Nope. No health bars. You win by knockout, submission, or ref stoppage from punches on the ground.

  15. vinceyuen88 on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    are there any health bars in this game? or is it they just drop/get submitted whenever?

  16. dvssk8rjs on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    looks choppy it needs more flow and control over your strikes like fight night

  17. BigEck on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    I hope they fix it in time for the game to come out. Even worse, imagine if there are no southpaws and everybody just stands orthodox? That would be absolute garbage.

  18. elheadkickio on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    Damn, good eye.

  19. BigEck on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    Why is rich franklin standing orthodox? He is a southpaw.

  20. xIXxUNREALxXIx on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    if only fedor was in ufc dammmmm he could have been in this game would have made more sells

  21. mja101 on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    you cant ompare this to fight night?
    fight night is boxing only and as if it does the graphics in fight night are 4x better in looks. and it flows alot better

  22. Musashi242 on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    I hope you got a ps3 online, chump, cuz im gonna knock your ass CLEAN THE FUCK OUT!! and then you can visit my page and watch your eys roll back in high definition mother fucker!!!

  23. Timigod on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    looks way better thn fight night

  24. arturwiech6 on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23


  25. 623415211 on Juli 18th, 2009 17:23

    looks better than fight night

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