Fifa 09 Ronaldo vs Messi

Juli 23, 2024 · Posted in Allgemein 

Watch in HD This is one of my best work I think. I’ve putted a lot of work into the editting =) I really got inspired, after seeing Hjerpseths Ronaldo Tribute (maybe to much?) Well, in a long time I wanted to make a video with Ronaldo and Messi. So I thought, I would make a video with skills, goals and a lot of editting =) Not much more to say =)

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25 Responses to “Fifa 09 Ronaldo vs Messi”

  1. limi272 on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    Thee Besstt ^ MESSI <3 <3 …

  2. othman605 on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00


  3. hflink07 on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    @thetuberperson THUMBS UP FOR MESSI

  4. TheSteaua109 on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    Messi simple but eficient

  5. Wolverine3V on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    cool video,ronaldo wins

  6. 1andreymaia on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    prefiro 100000000 vezes o messi

  7. IIVBRII on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    i was just saying , not answering a question , mad-man

  8. 1kumaranand on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    @IIVBRII Fuck off nobody asked anything from you !!!

  9. Liverpoolfc1318 on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    Ronaldo is pretty good but Messi is from another planet

  10. Dan318M on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    Messi cant actually do all those ‘freestyle’ tricks
    and even like that, hes still the best

  11. MrMuzykFAN on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00


  12. mrzanful on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00


  13. IIVBRII on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    lol u got no thumbs up looser

  14. MaxWillBR on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    C. Ronaldo.

    Sorry for my english, this is a very interesting video and to me, Ronaldo still is the better player of the world.

    I don’t have a XBOX , I play FIFA in my PC, but in PC version haven’t got / there insn’t all thhese skills. [Brasil]

  15. evershoking on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    xbox 360???

  16. KiNg7542 on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00


  17. Maryyulieth1 on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    esta re chimba ese video

  18. davidusmanvilla on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    can i run it on Intel GMA 4500MHD ,2.0 gb ram and 90.6 gb hard disk space plz reply

  19. davidusmanvilla on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    can i run it on Intel GMA 4500MHD ,2.0 gb ram and 90.6 gb hard disk space plz reply

  20. fabytruth11 on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00


  21. cool15ize on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    ronaldo win

  22. fifhawk on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    @majroh02 ronaldo is stupid

  23. fifhawk on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00


  24. bestiaundertaker on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    Ronaldo is better but messi is good

  25. XSEBSEBX on Oktober 15th, 2011 17:00

    soetwas macht messi nicht ;)
    er macht wen überhaupt mal n übersteiger c:

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