FIFA 11 FUT: Route de Glory Episode 09 – Sissoko is a beast
READ… Appreciate a Like if possible and Comments on if I should show highlights to show you if I’m dominating the match or not having a good game and would appreciate it if you can leave feedback to let me know if you’d prefer that instead of just the goals, or if you like I’ll continue with the goals. As always guy’s a like is always appreciated and the next vid will be out tomorrow, and if you can guy’s a like is much appreciated. Episode 8 if you missed it – Follow me on Twitter – And as always feedback is always greatly received, hopefully it’s positive/constructive, and if you have the time a like and a favourite is greatly welcomed.
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25 Responses to “FIFA 11 FUT: Route de Glory Episode 09 – Sissoko is a beast”
if anyone wants 86 rated players visit my channel
how much have u spent on the team
what is that kit (green) coz it is well nice. THX
how do you do that spin move?
@nufcchilly because he had more possession on the ball. if your winning and you’ve had a lot of possession you’ll get a decent amount of coins
why do you get 906 coins per match?? i get about 450 per match?
Do you use any custom tactics? If so, what do you use?
your videos r beast! XD
Get ya Sweatbands Ready!!!
love this series, keep the episodes coming!
1:39 van persie vs charlton!
I got so many coins from doing this coin glitch, its not a scam and please dont dislike this video thanks:) /watch?v=hqheBw79csA Channel Name Is 4Head2k11
@joshflip1989 could you possibly to more stuff about skills? like where to do them and how because i can play alright but i absolutely fail at skills. nice vid though!
@joshflip1989 and just for more advice your a beast on fifa no doubt but you need to edit the videos more !
@SuperJQD Watch the recent ones, I do. I was pretty annoyed at the time around this episode and some others. My laptop is really poo.
you need to put more energy in your commentary makes me want to watch it more !
that brazilian team was unbelievable :O
were do you get a hd pvr from also your vids are grat
do highlights :]]]] best website ever!!!!!
men i saw all your videos last night, and fck i wanna play like you hahaha, im prettybad playing :s
yh highlights plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
The players arn’t beast your beast!
i have kaka and robben and im looking to sell them, message me if your interested