GTA: San Andreas Walkthrough #013 – Robbing Uncle Sam

Juni 1, 2021 · Posted in Allgemein 

Video-Walkthrough zu GTA: San Andreas – PS2 deutsch (german subtitles). #013 – Mission: Robbing Uncle Sam Playlist zum Walkhtrough: … Grand Theft Auto GTA San Andreas SA Walkthrough Video Game PS2 Playstation Carl CJ Johnson Robbing Uncle Sam Deutsch German

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15 Responses to “GTA: San Andreas Walkthrough #013 – Robbing Uncle Sam”

  1. pyrotechnican24 on Juni 6th, 2009 10:58

    ICH HASSE SIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. trutz90 on Juni 6th, 2009 10:58

    very easy mission….
    if the van is in front of the army und get on the vall und shoot the first guy then you don’t open the first door!! go and open the second one. you can prepare all the boxes then open the second door.mission nearly done!

  3. pyrotechnican24 on Juni 6th, 2009 10:58

    nowthe first time i did it!!!!!!!
    fortunaly i modified(?) my forklift because i wanted to steal cars^^ so my fork was much bigger and longer as in the originalgame. (nice mod i installed it months ago but i never noticed that i am able to take !four! boxes at the same time =))so was able to putrt all boxes in front of the house ant put two boxes together into the van ^^

  4. sanep22 on Juni 6th, 2009 10:58

    how to move the forklift up and down???
    answer please….

  5. Viesturs2 on Juni 6th, 2009 10:58

    hey dude wth? i mean ure Ryder is almost immortal but when i play this mission that moron lost his hp very fast while ures is very tought i mean wth how do u do that?

  6. Chakram on Juni 6th, 2009 10:58

    Right Analog-Stick. But that should be shown on your screen too.

  7. Chakram on Juni 6th, 2009 10:58

    He isn’t almost immortal, I just cover his back, that’s why I jump here and then off the forklift. And how I did it? Practice.

  8. Boralaentaogente on Juni 6th, 2009 10:58

    whats the song???

  9. Chakram on Juni 6th, 2009 10:58


  10. sanep22 on Juni 6th, 2009 10:58

    oh yeah??

  11. Chakram on Juni 6th, 2009 10:58

    Hm, can’t say. It’s not on the official soundtrack.

  12. Wolfnasser on Juni 6th, 2009 10:58

    not good Resolution !

  13. JOHNMIRA09 on Juni 6th, 2009 10:58

    the QUICKEST and EASIEST way to complete this mission is to use BOTH forks on the forklift and pick up TWO crates at once!

  14. PivotWrestlingGod on Juni 6th, 2009 10:58

    wtf i cant understand the types words lol but i learn chinnes or lol tokyo or spanish wait they all are spanish how stupid am i

  15. 74neunTA on Juni 6th, 2009 10:58

    The song is: Lowrider by War

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