Is It A Good Idea To Microwave A PlayStation Portable?
Poll: Whats better, the Nintendo DS or the Sony PSP? Experiment #163: PlayStation Portable For some reason, you MicroKnights love watching us destroy expensive gaming consoles… and I’m not gonan lie – we’re starting to run out of them. But hey… what’s this? We haven’t already nuked a PSP?! Well hell, let’s do it! So, you’re probably wondering, Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This? Tune in to find out. Twice a week, microwave specialist Jory Caron microwaves different objects… so you don’t have to! The “Jory Caron Microwave Laboratory 2.5″ is a state-of-the-art facility equipped with tinfoil shielding, a ventilation system, emergency surge protectors, safety clothing, and many sexy microwaves. +++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks to Nyck Rusnak for donating the PSP! +++++++++++++++++++++++ ** New Episodes Every Monday & Friday! ** +++++ Support The Show +++++ FAQ Video – T-Shirts —– ideo App —- Live Show — Donate $$ — +++++ Connect With Us +++++ ::: Jonathan Paula ::: YouTube —- Twitter ——- Facebook — ::: Jory Caron ::: YouTube —- Twitter ——- Facebook — ::: Riley McIlwain ::: YouTube —- Twitter ——- Facebook — ::: ideo Productions ::: YouTube —- Twitter ——- Facebook — +++++ Video Credits +++++ Starring: Jory Caron, Riley McIlwain, & Jonathan Paula Filmed & Edited By: Jonathan Paula An ideo …
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25 Responses to “Is It A Good Idea To Microwave A PlayStation Portable?”
@GrandmasterPwnage thats because i am older than you. fine i believe you have girlfriend. six year olds dont play porno games. sure im a stubborn cunt. yes i dont know my way around the videogame world, i know my way around reality and my career. yes i am a pussy. i am not cool….. umm oh yeah and six year olds still play my games, beacause THEY’RE NOSTALGIC! now im fucking tired, (obvious from my change in views) im just gonna stop this pointless shit, and you go make millions kid!
@ZeldavsMusic I have a hot girlfriend and you’re a stubborn cunt that still plays games that 6 year olds do. I know my way around the videogame world. It’s not an opinion if a majority of young children actually do play it. Stop trying to act like theyre cool, because it just makes you look like a pussy. And judging from how you worded that, you should be older than me.
is that a nerf gun on 3:38 ?
@GrandmasterPwnage well then you’re just a young stubborn prick who hasn’t learned what an opinion means. now shut up, stop stroking, and get a girlfriend
@ZeldavsMusic graphics do matter, if you know one damn thing about videogames. Im 13 and I play games like Mortal Kombat 9, God of War 2, Fallout New Vegas, and Need for Speed Most Wanted. Sure, need for speeds graphics are okay, but atleast things look like someone used effort when making it. You’re a fucking retard that knows nothing about videogames. Have you ever looked at why games get good ratings? It’s not just because they like it. It has meaning. Dumbfuck.
@GrandmasterPwnage wtf, what kind of fucking games do you play? if you dont then why the fuck are you watching this? and get off youtube if your like some 40 year old adult with no intention of putting videos up. Nintendo doesnt make crap video games. GRAPHICS DONT FUCKING MATTER DOUCHEFUCK! THEY DOOO FUCKING MAKE GAMES FOR M AUDIENCES DUMBSHIT!
@ZeldavsMusic I know what im talking about you fucking cunt. For one, black ops sucks. It was poorly made graphic wise, story wise, and connection speed wise. hey arent good games. Anyone over 6 that still plays them has no life. Nintendo makes crappy games. The stories suck, the graphics ROYALLY SUCK MONSTER PENIS, and they are intended for small children.
@GrandmasterPwnage you sir are retarded if you think someone who plays good video games have no life. i know many people my age who play LOZ, its not for six year olds stop trolling on youtube and go insult people on black ops, cuz your a pussy who has no idea what the fuck you’re talking about and isnt man enough to face people in reality
@ZeldavsMusic Haha, you still play the games 6 year olds do. Im the one with no life?
@GrandmasterPwnage hahah you are a troll. no life fucker
@ZeldavsMusic Zelda is gay too.
@GrandmasterPwnage your argument is laughable and so are you troll
@ZeldavsMusic It doesnt mean they arent gay fucktard.
@GrandmasterPwnage no, all games under T are for 10 and under kids, there’s a difference retard
wazzup dude great vid!!! Crave a amazing Macbook pro??? I know just how!!! I will share with you my system at my Youtube profile
@ZeldavsMusic No I mean all games under t are gay
@GrandmasterPwnage so you’re saying anything T+ is gay? and it does have M games, for example, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Tom Clancy
@numberlessmerchD4 Stop, im sick of people advertising scams, if youre even a real person. Just fuck off, no one cares.
@ZeldavsMusic Not really, it has like 4 rated T+ games.
@GrandmasterPwnage 3DS is straight
@coolchick2597 for real lier
Now I’ll have nightmares.