NEW FIFA 09 – CP 2008 Presentation Video 1 – Pt.1

April 21, 2024 · Posted in Allgemein 

FIFA 09 – CP 2008 Presentation Video 1 – Pt.1 This the Presentation from NEW FIFA 09: -NEW GAME PHYSICS ENJOY!!! LOOK VERY GOOD!!!

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25 Responses to “NEW FIFA 09 – CP 2008 Presentation Video 1 – Pt.1”

  1. thetype0021 on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    yea your right in fifa 09 the ball curves way to much

  2. alexnasri92 on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    yh dude fifa 08 was by far my favorite i got every achievement and rarly lost online on fifa 08

  3. isaiahledz on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    if only they had the animations and stuff on fifa 09 go to fifa 08 and then just stay with the 08 style gameplay …

  4. chubuking on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    Hey mate i think you make a gd point. ever tried playing fifa 08 on psp its 100% different to ps3 xbox etc. i dont know if fifa 09 tried to speed things up so it didnt look lagy but smooth who knows

  5. Dudu360R9 on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    seriously, fifa08 is more “simulation” nd realistic than fifa09.
    That’s he truth

    In fifa09 the gameolay is a littile too fast, and also the normal passing in assisted is fucking horrible and it makes the game looks like a pinballl, cause passes always go in the same high speed and always go to player’s feet.

    Fifa08 is definetly better. That’s te fuckingt ruth,

    Fifa09 is more arcade.

  6. fr0st3344 on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    WHOA OMG OMMMMMG! copy+paste to 9 other videos then log under CP then go to the forest press F7 for membership AND INFINATE COINS! NOPE NO JOKE AND NO LIE! =D ps idid not write this

  7. fryer280693 on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    fifa 09 is amazin PS3 NAME IS FRY3R-93

  8. AjaxKana on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    its amazing how many people are involved in the making of such a shit game. well done ea, you have finally ruined the fifa series. 08 was awesome, 09 is simply shocking!

  9. zansu1830 on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    no way best game

  10. wesleylopez28 on November 23rd, 2009 11:05


  11. arsenalvarun on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    if it sucks why the fuck did u even watch this video

  12. asanmawaw on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    fifa sucks!

  13. 080BROTHER080 on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    The spanich always speak in fast forward…i can’t understand a thing but the video is pretty enlightning…cool
    FIFA 09 is gonna be THE GAME…

  14. langzo83 on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    What?? PES graphics sucked in PES 2008. Fifa 08 was miles better!

  15. jakeyboi988 on November 23rd, 2009 11:05


  16. FootyMad911 on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    wikid i cnt wait :)
    thnx m8

  17. jammyjay2003 on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    Yep! :)

  18. FootyMad911 on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    is demo available on 360
    on the 11th
    for free??

  19. mauriciorock on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    I hope this year!!,, the people scream,, GOOOLLL!!!, cos YEAH!!!!!<, sound creepy,, hahaha Lol…

  20. nffctrickytrees on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    i agree with HBK because i had it on hardest level on pes and won 7-0 and i had it on professional on fifa on drew and i was arsenal v barnsley

  21. HBKrosseyed on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    Fifa is way harder than Pes. I beat Argentina 4-0 on Professional with Pes 08 but I couldn’t even score on semi-pro with Barcelona on Fifa 08, because it’s less arcadey and takes longer to build attacks.

    See ya Pes :)

  22. tangeraas on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    PES graphics wer amazing this year but fifa will destroy them with 09
    not only that but i agree that PES is a bit more of a challenge gd game but the camera sucks on the pitch and movement

  23. kravez16 on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    difficult? Lmao PES is not “difficult” at all. Your just one of those people who pick up a game cant play the 1st a couple of matchs and says “ahh fuck its too hard fuck this” and run to fifa.. I know many ppl dat have done that and your just one of them.

  24. smashpanda on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    people will only play pes 2009 if its easier to play and not so bloody difficult and if gameplay was smoother like fifa

  25. ipwn008 on November 23rd, 2009 11:05

    Fifa will be 100x better than PES.
    I actually thought PES would have improved since last year, but I see no improvements at all. With fifa I have, that’s why it’s better

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