PART 2 Grand Theft Auto IV 6 Stars Escape Run GTA 4 GTA4

Oktober 13, 2024 · Posted in Allgemein 

Watch in High Quality. This is Part 2, Part 1 is here: A successful “Buffalo Nickel Run”. So named when back in the days of GTA3 my good friend offered to give me a Buffalo Nickel if I could successfully acquire 6 stars, then get to the Pay N Spray on the other side of the city. Took me a while, but I finally did it. To get the 6 stars here in GTA4, I had a shootout on a rooftop in Algonquin, which I will post highlights of very soon. As you’ll see, after getting 6 stars, I drive …

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25 Responses to “PART 2 Grand Theft Auto IV 6 Stars Escape Run GTA 4 GTA4”

  1. Lunyman96 on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    What was da second car yu used yu noe da orange one…
    plz rite bac

  2. deathkiller969 on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    i got one word for you—-DAMN!!!!!!!!!!

  3. MeesterChum on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    great driving skills

  4. beastabuelos on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    oh must’ve had my fingers in the wrong position, but right you are

  5. Ciukyexacta on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    aston not astin ;)

  6. jakolantrn33 on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    1:01 LOL!

  7. stefkill13 on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    well u can jack it if u race with brucie, u see them everywere if u go to the start

  8. stefkill13 on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    the banshee is still in its exactly like gta 3

  9. TheGTA4StuntGroup on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    When i get 6 stars i go to the museum, its an awsome place, you can kill them one by one

  10. Ripryz on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    2:27 to 2:28 left hand side there is the rare ice cream truck

  11. beastabuelos on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    oh ok. and btw is astin not austin

  12. carcrazcid on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    Sadly no. The 4 fastest cars in the game are the infurnus,comet ( a porshe like car ) the turismo ( ferrari like car ) and the super gt ( like an austin martin. )

    But there still is the banshee… and the feltzar had a major makeover… and remember the sultan? well theres that and the sultan rs…..

  13. soldout99 on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    ive done “the buffalo nickel run” many times, but i cant record it D:

  14. just1n124 on November 15th, 2009 04:06


  15. animedrawer777 on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    ive escapes on foot in the train tunnel >.>

  16. leohacker2009 on November 15th, 2009 04:06


  17. tomcatonastray on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    cool driving dude! I’d never done 6 stars…always ends up in the water – with the ship patrol boats killing me…haha

  18. beastabuelos on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    that sucks. but i guess you could just use the health cheat. i heard its the infernus. did they take out the bullet and cheetah? i remember them being faster on san andreas. unfortunatly i lost my san andreas and now i just have 3

  19. MindbreakOne on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    I think its the fastest, but it gets beat up pretty easily.

  20. beastabuelos on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    oh so its the best car in the game or something?

  21. MindbreakOne on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    That’s a lamborghini-style car given to you when you finish the last mission with Bernie (Florian)

  22. beastabuelos on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    whats that cool sports car you jack at around 1:50? ive never played this game so…

  23. showetime on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    be aware that if u try this make shure u get a lot of space from the cops to get inside the pay n spray cuz it wont a close the door if the cops are near by

  24. MindbreakOne on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    I did that too, check out my 3rd GTA4 video, outran 6 stars without pay n spray.

  25. Bananmelk on November 15th, 2009 04:06

    thought you would do it witout help from pay n spray.

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