PETMAN Prototype

Mai 3, 2018 · Posted in Allgemein 

Biped robot that balances dynamically using a human-like walking motion. It is a close relative to BigDog, sharing elements of the mechanical design and control. For more info, see

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25 Responses to “PETMAN Prototype”

  1. mactepcotoha on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    In my opinion scientists forgetting one important part, which working in the movement – hands. Balance with hands helps us to walk.

  2. gtaylorlondon on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18


  3. wluedema on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    This is Metal Gear stuff!! Time to clone some awesome final bosses so that they can grow up in time!

  4. elzergone on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    You are dumb as hell.

  5. elzergone on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    you are dumb as fuck.

  6. libertarianjury on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    Keep on truckin’ !
    Great Job, Boston Dynamics!

    (I 4 2 welcome our robotic overlords…)

  7. motomata55 on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    This robot is a pentium 1 comparing asimo asimos is quad processor

  8. truthhurts4u on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    they’ve finally managed to teach a robot, how to use “falling” to it’s advantage. Using one leg to propel and the other to absorb shock alternately.
    A sense of balance, using feedback signals to trigger mechanical action and gravity with dimensional heading.. dang.. i’m tired again.. sry.

  9. amagno117 on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    TERMINATOR prototype!

  10. payaso25us on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18


  11. caio8 on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    How many Terminator movies you need to understand that making human-like machines is NOT cool???!

    Just kidding. I´ll help thousands of people to walk again

    But I still worry about terminators oO

  12. 85guru85 on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    Oh, it’s cool!

  13. Canonpixmalogitechko on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    lol walks like a drunk old dude, but still very cool.

  14. sydawei1978 on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18


  15. qbslug on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    fucking awesome

  16. iuri1980 on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18


  17. CHCIAO4NOW on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    piggy back test time =D

  18. zeiksz on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    tök zsír ahogy lifeg a cipőfűzője :)

  19. seyare201 on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    on arrete pas le progres, je pense que dans quelque temps il courera mieux que le ASIMO.

  20. ajvasil on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    Walks like a recently used hooker.

    Good job guys.

    Put your MIT years to work!

  21. Gitanes081280 on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    It looks pretty cool, but it walks like a person with bad hips than an healthy and athletic person.

  22. Boog609 on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    Metal Gear?!

  23. wallofjustin on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    WHOO HOOO!!! Terminator in the making xD

  24. wings69andmo on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    i just want the giant treadmill for indoor bmx!!!

  25. SnideCast on Oktober 30th, 2009 02:18

    Its happening :O destory it Arnie

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