PROTOTYPE Mission Gameplay

März 22, 2021 · Posted in Allgemein 

The First Prototype Mission Gameplay from This video is soo AMAZING * MY First GTA 4 Stunts and Crashes

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25 Responses to “PROTOTYPE Mission Gameplay”

  1. CHUBBYREST on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    Thats not the point, the point is Prototype as very little replay value, you may get two goes out of it, but that is it. I’ve been able to play other games numerous times and still enjoy them today. Prototype is not one of those.

  2. BvOBart on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    Btw, you can shoot from the air with the rocket launcher. Just jump, lock-on and shoot. This can also be done with other weapons.

    Also something you can do: Try to Flying Kick down heli’s if they come. Just jump, target them and press the left mouse button.

    Oh yeah: Try to transform into soldiers somewhat more. This will stop the military from shooting at you untill you have changed back to Alex’ Form or if you have been confirmed as Hostile.

  3. CRutgerCryzis on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    which game doesnt get boring after a while lol :P

  4. CHUBBYREST on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    Not at all, i’ve replayed games numerous times, this is not one of them. I’m simply saying that this game is worth playing for a while, but you won’t get any long term enjoyment out of it.

  5. CRutgerCryzis on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    lol srry but i dont agree, i played it for a few weeks, blowing up stuff, like pple and buildings, even friends n stuff enjoy it when they come over every time :P it gets kinda boring but doh, thats with every game once u’ve finished it xD

  6. ParasiticXExperiment on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    All games get boring if you play them to much.

  7. ParasiticXExperiment on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27


  8. CHUBBYREST on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    It’s fucking amazing the first day you get it, it’s great the second, it’s playable for the next few days, after that it’s too repetitive to enjoy. I recommend it, it’s a great game, just not a long term one.

  9. CHUBBYREST on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    How can you play Prototype like a pro and not be able to kill the infected? Half of the gameplay is fighting the infection, so if you suck at that, you suck at the game in general. But I also don’t really understand how you could possibly suck at fighting infected, I found them fairly easy. If your talking about the infection in general, you don’t “fight” it, you wipe out hives and that in turns wipes out all infected within the area.

  10. vivalaawesomness on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    just rented…
    pretty good so far

  11. pickpickman on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    best weapon to use is rocket, but concentrate on powers, cos u will need them at all times

  12. andrjoo on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    transformers lol…

    HAHAHA, oh shit. The game is fun, go grab a copy.

  13. KingGalanoth on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    Wen i Play i play like a pro trust me but…. i suk at killin the infection lol

  14. halohollick4427 on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    i think its spiderman gta and assassins creed with a hint of the hulk

  15. halohollick4427 on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    wow this game is amazing but it gets boring after u complete the story :P

  16. stabeltjb on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    i want the game so bad it looks hell a sweet give me the game

  17. aquamauza on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    Ive benn wasting my money on games, like transformers or left 4 dead. They’re fun, but they didnt hold my attention. Some one tell me if this game is REALLY fun

  18. whackiot2 on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    this is the best game i played in years

  19. kenshitheone on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    he is better then them all!! got a sample of all the greatest.

  20. shaunofdeads on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    this game is the best i beat it but you can do some crazy shit!!!!!!

  21. Chesrau07 on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    hey guys ich have buyed this game and this game is incridible OMG I LOVE THIS GAME it,s spiderman and GTA in ONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. flame199999999999999 on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    I just bought this game!

  23. unpre4 on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    gimme that god damm game NOW!

  24. escapethemap on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    well look great and all but it look of a mix of hulk and spider man with gore

  25. NatalieRitte on Juli 27th, 2009 17:27

    Ah man I just downloaded a bunch of these games though. You guys wanna download games then go to this new site. TINYURL[dot]Com/TOPGAMEZ It’s bad ass!!! Swap the [dot] to a period when you copy though.

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