Sony unveils prototype 360° 3D display

September 8, 2020 · Posted in Allgemein 

The display offers an impressive image and doesn’t require glasses. It’s just a prototype now.

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25 Responses to “Sony unveils prototype 360° 3D display”

  1. wamocs on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:10

    If you’re listening to fashion news you could definitely benefit from being able to choose your own viewing angle. Your arguments fail to impress me.

  2. qwarq on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:10

    This would be better than wearing the glasses as it would give people head aches…an in turn with funding and advancement this type would achieve 3-D in all its rendering … a giant cube display in the centre of the room ..minus moving funiture

  3. wamocs on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:10

    Museums could use this technology to display artefacts that are too fragile to be there in front of you. They could also use it to overlay objects with information and/or show virtually reconstructed objects.

  4. jonathanh95 on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:10

    wow! an actual descent thing from sony!

  5. ufcfreak on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:10

    3d porn plz

  6. millball on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:10

    just a gimmick if you ask me. There is hardly NEED for spatial comprehension in a museum when most artefacts are there in front of you. In a design/medical environment, perhaps.. otherwise its just a fad. Why would i need to see the back of somebodies head when i’m listening to the news? Sounds like hyped up garbage to me.

  7. broadcastpirate on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:10

    im just thinking back to the 60s when they where too freaked out by the initial idea of star trek that they cancelled it then put it back on air later… and now we have this…


  8. Ammo1174 on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:10

    i guess not by definition but its close enough for me :)

  9. AkilThompson7 on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:10


  10. bradholbrook on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:10

    Imagine watching a movie on that – you could literally watch it 360 times and see new things every time.

  11. wamocs on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:10

    Are you serious? Of course there’s an enormous market for this technology. They already mentioned designers and educators. Now add museums, tourist information applications, urban planners… Whenever there’s a need for spatial comprehension, a real 3D display would outperform most, if not all, 2D alternatives.

  12. samJRulz1 on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:10

    porn :P

  13. SOnicpower451 on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:10

    Welcome to the future people!

  14. Dynamite25 on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:10


  15. YoungBlood713 on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:10

    lmfao i like ur thinking

  16. xZachtmx on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:11

    Very cool! Although I can not think of many uses for it.

  17. Antipolicestate on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:11

    think of the advances in porn!!!!

  18. scottD075 on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:11

    thats not a holigram =]

  19. eatfreshsub on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:11

    Its the next step.

  20. triggadigga on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:11

    why do i want to walk around my tv ? i like to stay in one place. The thing with this is that it is still behind a screen. They need to get onto the projecting of images.

  21. Ammo1174 on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:11

    finally holograms :)

  22. millball on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:11

    you can commercialize it as much as you want, its down to whether theres a market for it.

  23. Watex5 on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:11

    Why is like… EVERYTHING being released in 3d :L

  24. dowap7 on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:11

    Exactly, my friend!

  25. jobsoncaetano on Oktober 24th, 2009 02:11

    que inutill²²

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