UE55D7000 Test Drive Unlimited 2 ( PS3 ) live gameplay + Driving Force GT Samsung

November 17, 2010 · Posted in Videos zu Playstation 

On Samsung UE55D7000 a jaak =D bawimy sie ;D

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24 Responses to “UE55D7000 Test Drive Unlimited 2 ( PS3 ) live gameplay + Driving Force GT Samsung”

  1. 555Reto on Oktober 28th, 2011 07:53

    hahaha myÅ›lalem ze ogladam angielski filmik bo nie spojrzaÅ‚em na opis. a tu “o ja pierdole kurwa” hahahahahah

  2. WirlWind494 on Oktober 28th, 2011 08:52

    @mantisjr I know that you can use a wheel for the PC version. I’m assuming the DFGT will be no different (Getting one in a few days, guess I’ll find out XD)

  3. TheKotanek on Oktober 28th, 2011 08:54

    Jak usÅ‚yszaÅ‚em “Ja pierdole” to padÅ‚em, nie spodziewaÅ‚em siÄ™ polaka xD

  4. mantisjr on Oktober 28th, 2011 09:30

    can this be modified for the computer?

  5. RacingKing012 on Oktober 28th, 2011 10:04

    how do you change settings. i am going to get this wheel soon. before i buy it i want some info

  6. DynamikT on Oktober 28th, 2011 10:51

    how did you get your music to play on the game

  7. sebastien949 on Oktober 28th, 2011 11:38

    il est comment le volant ?

  8. MikuHatsune10728 on Oktober 28th, 2011 12:03

    you look like your having a lot of fun xD

  9. gemelovalencia on Oktober 28th, 2011 13:01

    hola¡¡ quiero saber por q con este timon no se puede bajar ventanas ni mirar alos lados

  10. francesco966671 on Oktober 28th, 2011 13:52


  11. DzidekFCB on Oktober 28th, 2011 14:19

    @ElFlammable Everything works normal , you dont have to setup pedals or wheel …
    Just connect and play =)

  12. ElFlammable on Oktober 28th, 2011 14:32

    Does the pedals work with TDU2? Or do you have to change something in the settings? What is the setting?

  13. kubik3083 on Oktober 28th, 2011 14:54

    bože ty si kretén

  14. DzidekFCB on Oktober 28th, 2011 14:59

    @RobinGangzzer95 Where do you see 900° ? :P I use only 180° cause TDU2 doesnt accept 900° .. I was trying but not working ….

  15. RobinGangzzer95 on Oktober 28th, 2011 15:41

    How did u setup 900 degree

  16. DzidekFCB on Oktober 28th, 2011 16:11

    @MrMakez very good choice ! =)

  17. MrMakez on Oktober 28th, 2011 16:51

    @DzidekFCB Okay, I’m going to change my duke nukem forever game for this one. :P (duke nukem sucks much)

  18. DzidekFCB on Oktober 28th, 2011 17:05

    @MrMakez only for free fun driving .. As a arcade game is not that amazing , but you can have alot of fun ! =) Im happy with that game :D I recommend =)

  19. MrMakez on Oktober 28th, 2011 17:16

    This game worth buying? :-)

  20. DzidekFCB on Oktober 28th, 2011 18:05

    @Polskadancer1 Audi TT

  21. Polskadancer1 on Oktober 28th, 2011 18:25

    co to za samochod ?

  22. DzidekFCB on Oktober 28th, 2011 19:02

    1:05 dance aaaaaaaaaaaa

  23. DzidekFCB on Oktober 28th, 2011 20:01

    dance bitch ! =D

  24. 4erbuks on Oktober 28th, 2011 20:59

    ha ha ha that song :D (rofl)

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