UFC 2009 Undisputed Xbox360 Gameplay

April 13, 2018 · Posted in Allgemein 

UFC 2009 Undisputed 360 gameplay

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25 Responses to “UFC 2009 Undisputed Xbox360 Gameplay”

  1. PlayJE on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25


  2. kyleholsgrove on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    ps3 gameplay? tard.

  3. 91Underground on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    how are the grapple moves inthis game?
    Can you create a fighter and choose what style you want to fight with like Boxing,Wrestling, Kung-Fu or Karate?
    Please reply

    Wie sind die grapple moves in diesem Spiel?
    Kannst du einen Kämpfer erstellen und auswählen mit welchem Stil du kämpst wie Boxen,Wrestling,Kung-Fu oder Karate?
    Antwortet bitte ^^

  4. DoubleMouble on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    ya thats wat i said as well in my mind lol

  5. MrTommyk on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    yes you should buy UFC its an amazing game!

  6. justareplica on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    so the limbs are like in tekken, should i get this game? people?

  7. ftl911 on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    ohh and thats my PSN lol

  8. ftl911 on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    im ftl101 and am getting it today or tomorrow and would love a good scuff ;P

  9. HeetXS on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    this is 360 gameplay…..

  10. Frreeky on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    Ok Cool I’ll add ya.

  11. brooklyn3mike on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25


  12. dabossaceboy on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    mine iz DaBossAceboy
    i got ufc

  13. kisame5000 on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    my psnid is malik5000 am geting this game next week

  14. Frreeky on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    Freeky1988 PSN

  15. laytownian on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    add me LAYTOWNIAN on ps3…if u wan a good oul scrap on this here game…ima hav it in 2hours my fukin thumbs are twitchin like mad ….

  16. RadioactiveZagu on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    how about the grounding and pounding..?

  17. c8gof on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    add CBOSS8 if you want to play tuesday

  18. trbcamry on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    damien whants steves cock in his mouth

  19. trbcamry on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    its gna b a mad game and also ps3 kills 360 by miles

  20. deathcomand on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    wicked game and funny knockouts!

  21. arturwiech6 on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    In Your DREAMS !!!!

  22. kisame5000 on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    me too

  23. ThatsIncredabel on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    NO mir is the interm champion not the undisputed champ because in all honsetly brock is the champ and mir is the champion while the real belt was in a limbo. thats all. thats y there doing mir-brock 2 already

  24. kisame5000 on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    no when i downloaded the video it said ps3 i dont know why it was xbox360

  25. secksie28 on Juli 17th, 2009 17:25

    its ps3 gameplay, so the video can get more views, since ps3 is more popular, but then you find out its 260…..

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