Unterstützung PlayStation Move: Start the Party PlayStation

März 26, 2008 · Posted in Videos zu Playstation 

Move-Review: derstandard.at derStandard.at/web testet PlayStation Move. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von consolero.at
Video Bewertung: 5 / 5

Kinect-Review: derstandard.at derStandard.at/web testet Kinect. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von consolero.at

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31 Responses to “Unterstützung PlayStation Move: Start the Party PlayStation”

  1. RicoTheRicker on Oktober 21st, 2011 23:27

    i have in my first ten minutes in this game 15 trophys ehhhhhmmmm………..
    Sorry i´m german!

  2. LiiNeh100 on Oktober 21st, 2011 23:57

    @oyamikan motherfucker is you who is poor as fuck

  3. oyamikan on Oktober 22nd, 2011 00:13

    this son of a bitch has everything XD ps3 xbox wii, in that shelf, he has a lot of wii and x box games XD

  4. Gashvah on Oktober 22nd, 2011 00:53

    @182MoNsTeR182 no

  5. 182MoNsTeR182 on Oktober 22nd, 2011 01:33

    Does this come with the bundle?

  6. rudyghinasky on Oktober 22nd, 2011 01:44

    da kids will play this to no end!

  7. mgsRyder on Oktober 22nd, 2011 01:47

    @Davem151 Look that´s why i said “that´s my opinion tough” don´t you understand that? if you like kinect better than fine, go on with it. im only showing MY opinion on this, and i really do believe the PS3 was better than the rest, just look at it 0.o but okay, just learn to give your opinion and accept others ; )

  8. hangman994Videos on Oktober 22nd, 2011 02:22

    XBOX WINS while your controllers running out of battery Xbox’s aren’t even using batterys

  9. Davem151 on Oktober 22nd, 2011 02:45

    @mgsRyder Only tumbs up you got are from ps3 owners. But your on drugs kinect is absolutly damm smooth.

  10. MDiGIaC on Oktober 22nd, 2011 03:37

    This should be down to Wii and Move I played kinect before it lags like balls and has kiddy games on it.

  11. potatopac on Oktober 22nd, 2011 04:11

    @IGottaBelieve thumbs down for this comment : )

  12. IxAGoNy on Oktober 22nd, 2011 05:01

    sorry for mistakes , was typing too fast

  13. IxAGoNy on Oktober 22nd, 2011 05:37

    @strongerboy Xbox 360 has better graphics overall , it’s proven because 360’s graphics card is faster and has more pixels but in this , ps3 has good graphics because of the type of characters they use . Xbox and wii uses type of a cartoon version of people and ps3 uses more realistic ones . This has nothing really to do with graohics

  14. IxAGoNy on Oktober 22nd, 2011 05:39

    xbox isnt slow … it’s just the guy that has bad timing .. i’ve played the game on all of them and the timing on xbox is just great.

  15. munokio123 on Oktober 22nd, 2011 06:14

    the 3 suck so hard… hahahahhahaha!

  16. raynieracevedo14 on Oktober 22nd, 2011 06:29

    That’s obviously a advertise for PS3 –.–

  17. IGottaBelieve on Oktober 22nd, 2011 06:46

    You work for Sony? Because in all of your videos you move more in the “PS3 Move” than in others. I have all three consoles and I’m sure is not like that. In Wii Sports Resort (Motion plus) the gameplay is as good as in PS3 Move. You’ve played Rockstar’s Table Tennis on Wii? Surely not.
    On PS3 Move you almost hit the TV, I was waiting for this !!! Who was waiting too, thumb down for this video.

  18. strongerboy on Oktober 22nd, 2011 07:20

    xbox and wii was great !

    ps3 copy soooooooooooo bad, PS3 GREAT GRAPHICS JUST IT!

  19. RosenrotStalker on Oktober 22nd, 2011 08:15

    @patbokewang lol xbox with blu ray disk IS A ps3

  20. ralph32121 on Oktober 22nd, 2011 08:45

    ps3 thing won but xbox is still better normally

  21. patbokewang on Oktober 22nd, 2011 09:44

    If xbox can play blu ray disc and have controller it will best than ps3

  22. patbokewang on Oktober 22nd, 2011 10:31

    I think playstation is classic console game

  23. davidyhitman on Oktober 22nd, 2011 10:37

    he finge the shot of move ;)

  24. mrnomames00 on Oktober 22nd, 2011 11:08

    @heatshot241 ok a bought the3 xbox 360 slim and is a beautiful console because the exclusive games are the best and the xbox 360 is better than the ps3 =P

  25. karlis1188 on Oktober 22nd, 2011 11:18

    PS3 Sucks :P
    Wii Oldschool
    Xbox the best and no controler!

  26. Ironjagg on Oktober 22nd, 2011 11:54

    PsBoXii . it good

  27. Nosirb318 on Oktober 22nd, 2011 12:13

    LOL using ur hand 4 kinect
    PS MOVE!!!!!!!!

  28. mgsRyder on Oktober 22nd, 2011 13:00

    @ernu100 XD why are you so mad? im not screaming at you…

  29. mgsRyder on Oktober 22nd, 2011 13:25

    @ernu100 That is your opinion… that´s why i said MY opinion, and from what i can see im not the only one who thinks that way, thanks for the thumbs up people : )

  30. ernu100 on Oktober 22nd, 2011 13:50

    @smokefloatz xbox 360 siempre ha sido y sera mejor q esa mierda negra y el move es una imitacion del wii
    que falta de creatividad

  31. ernu100 on Oktober 22nd, 2011 14:47

    @heatshot241 callate hijo de las mil putas

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