Was sind Eure Top 3 der PS3-Games?

Juli 24, 2020 · Posted in Allgemein 

1. Fallout 3
2. uncharted
3. Bioshock / Gta 4

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4 Responses to “Was sind Eure Top 3 der PS3-Games?”

  1. Käsefuß on Juli 16th, 2009 11:30

    2.Stronghold Cusader
    3.Tomb Raider

  2. Sniperfox on Juli 16th, 2009 11:30

    1. GTA IV
    2. Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallin
    3. Gran Turismo 5 ;-)

  3. PiKe on Juli 16th, 2009 18:43

    1. Fallout 3
    2. uncharted
    3. Bioshock / Gta 4

  4. .............. on Juli 16th, 2009 18:50

    1. Resident Evil 5
    2. Uncharted
    3. Little Big Planet

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