Yugioh Trade Binder Update – PSP, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 2 FOR SALE or TRADE!!!

Juni 9, 2011 · Posted in Videos zu Playstation 

PM me with offers/questions. Everything is reasonably priced. Concealed cash only, you’re sending first no matter who you are, and shipping included in the deal. I am a Yugioh card trader; however, I’m only accepting Yugioh cards on some of the smaller accessories. Link to my Yugioh Trade Binder: www.youtube.com Link to my Pokemon Trade Binder: www.youtube.com Wants: MONEY ELECTRONICS (ipod touches, psps, nintendo ds, XBOX 360, gaming headsets, video games) Pokemon White or Black Call of Duty Black Ops Player’s Choice/Ultra Pro/designed sleeves Blank white mats Boxes of STOR, HA04, EXVC Monster Binders xx Solemn Warning xx Pot of Duality xx Scrap Dragon xx Extreme Victory cards xx trade bait x1-2 Satellite Cannon (secret) x2 Mirror Force (Ultra Rare) x1 XX-Saber Emmersblade (secret) x1 XX-Saber Ragigura (rare) x2 Effect Veiler (any rarity) x1 Blackwing Armed Wing x1 Blackwing – Silverwind the Ascendant x2 Solemn Judgement (gold rare) x2 Legendary Six Smaurai Shi En x2 Six Samurai United x1 Shien’s Smoke Signal x1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x2 Saber Hole Pokemon Wants: Dragonites, Tyranitars, Garchomps, Umbreons, Scizors, Charizards

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One Response to “Yugioh Trade Binder Update – PSP, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 2 FOR SALE or TRADE!!!”

  1. usernameODST on Juni 9th, 2011 20:59

    Sorry for the poor resolution; the camera is only okay. Anyone know how I can get my videos to fit the damn width of the screen?!?!

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