Brainpipe PSP / PS3 mini on Sony PSN —————- Gameplay from Brainpipe, a downloadable PSP PS3 mini, from the Playstation Store on PSN. Not retro, but what the heck. This isnot a review, walkthrough, playthrough, or demonstration of my playing ability. It’s more a case of me speaking my thoughts while playing the games, many for the first time, and most for the first time in a very long time… so it’s all a little spontaneous and random. Predictably, as I never practice before recording, I usually play very badly. Given that I am playing many of these games for the first time, and everything I say is completely off the cuff, you probably shouldn’t take what I say overly seriously. The opinions that I express are my feelings at the time, but it’s entirely possible that they would be different if I were to take the time to get to grips with the game. However, given that these videos are intended to show that “first time experience”, I believe they have some validity or merit.
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19 Responses to “Brainpipe PSP / PS3 mini on Sony PSN”
i pwn this game i have almost every high score
the thing is that the REASON that you have trouble with the controls is that you are using a joystick. This game is incredibly easy when you use a mouse on the computer. and if you prefer a controller, it supports usb gamepads. This game is best through steam.
i hope you guys realize this game is somthing ment for you to be high other wise its stupid i trip so hard to this
If you saw how many crappy comments I get saying “that was a lousy review and your playing skills suck” you’d understand why I have that intro
Not sure i like that intro you add on every video you make. It makes you seem insecure.
It’s amazing how a shitty control scheme cran kill what on paper should be a great game.
Looks like a very messy game in all areas. I will definitely avoid it.
I think this game annoy the hell out of me, interesting game though.
Looks like a good game, actually, barring the bad controls, I mean.
Welcome back!
Looks reasonable visually Steve.
The target thing sorta looks like an eye ball.
I take you for your word that this is perhaps best passed up on.
I would love to play Rez sometime…
that game has such a great reputation.
look like you are traveling in someones body
So is this game based on a colonoscopy or what?
I had a feeling these Mini games were cheap for a reason.
Awesome video.
Yeah it looks like his type of thing….Tempest 2000,Space Giraffe,ect.
Seems like this has some pretty wretched Hit Detection.
That is shame, because this should be an utterly BRILLIANT game…but broken controls OBVIOUSLY make this unplayable.
What a shame.
I recommend Dracula, which plays like Robotron 2084.
I like that one plenty!
Heh, nope, it’s not one of this, but I know what you mean
I think it’s a case of the PS3 / PSP controllers just being completely unsuited to the game.
I was watching a video of this by someone who was playing in on a PC, using a mouse, and it looked vastly more controllable.
Did Jeff Minter work on this? Looks like some thing he would of dreamed up.
Wow this game sucks. Something this simple should have PERFECT controls. I wont be trying this.
yey! your back steve…nice video good information game i got to check it out thanks ..for the video ..:D