Dualshock Sony announces Playstation 4 [full show, eng] Shadow
August 25, 2010 · Posted in Videos zu Playstation
Sony hat in New York die Playstation 4 angekündigt. Ich zeige euch die komplette Pressekonferenz in voller Länge. Inklusive Ankündigung von Watch Dogs, inFamous: Second Son, Dualshock 4, Destiny, Killzone: Shadow Fall und Diablo 3.
Video Bewertung: 5 / 5
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17 Responses to “Dualshock Sony announces Playstation 4 [full show, eng] Shadow”
i fought the war
Does someone know, what is the name of the song that beginns at 00:46?
Take note NINTENDO and NINTENDO owners!! 1:15:13….” in a medium like ours,technology is very important.It is what we rely on to get the player emotionaly involved”. Not gimmicks but technology.With that I say good night and good night Gregory Peck!!
R.I.P Wii U……………Sony has done everything that NINTENDO failed to do.
This is the best quality recording of the stream I’ve found so far! So many problems with the online stream.
Thanks For Uploading! Excellent!
This is ridiculous. This isn’t a gaming console. It’s a big iPhone
ps4*.*<3 i need it now !!!!!!
Ok got it
What’s the name of that guy who comes to display knack?
Where’s the console?
DIABLO III on a console? **wipes mouth of drool**
1:11:00 in to it, so far, no talk on security. I want to migrate into sony, but being hacked easily worries me. So far no mentioning of safety.
good work!
SONY: We didn’t build a BOX!!!
Take that Microsoft!!!