Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony Armando & Henrique Trailer [HD]

Juni 26, 2023 · Posted in Allgemein 

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony Armando & Henrique Trailer [HD] Developer: Rockstar North Release: 10/29/2009 Genre: Action/3rd Person Platform: X360 Publisher: Rockstar Games Website: The Ballad of Gay Tony is the second DLC for GTA 4, you play as Luis Lopez, an assistant to nightclub manager Tony Prince. FOR MORE MACHINIMA GOTO:

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25 Responses to “Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony Armando & Henrique Trailer [HD]”

  1. 347DNB on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    luger stfu we got em first anyway so suck a fat 1 :P

  2. gotsteeze92 on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    who cares

  3. ilikecakealot1 on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    Because the shits slow

  4. mohholt06 on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    how is it shitty slow wi fi its not slow at all.

  5. luger74 on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    360 fanboys STFU, All the DLc’s will be out for the ps3 next year or so, want proff? msg me asking for link.

  6. madmkila1 on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    holy shit.
    this game looks amazingg

  7. Bluffeddood on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    war is beautiful

  8. mhrfg on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    no comment.

    good day sir

  9. ComedyCentralbeast22 on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    but thats a psp, nothing to be jeoulous about, were lucky

  10. ComedyCentralbeast22 on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    You mean shitty slow wi fi, then yeah it is better

  11. ComedyCentralbeast22 on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    Children, your the fucking kid saying a console is win, jesus fucking nerd

  12. mhrfg on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    only a sadist finds a war “cute”

  13. jrzedevyl on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    aww console wars that’s cute

  14. mhrfg on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    no it just proves what children you are, grow up and wake up Playstation 3 is win

  15. IFI92 on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    haha thx naww man i dont know teh name of teh song

  16. g0ldl1fe on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    WAHAHAHAHAHA GHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA a Gaystation 3 Genious, btw anybody knows name of the song at the start of the trailer??

  17. mhrfg on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    Lunch is fair once you’ve had your fill.

  18. tomasmoura on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    But its not a fair lunch =)

  19. mhrfg on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    No tomasmoura, Its lunch.

  20. gunny556fly on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    yeah heart break i mean both sytsems give us bull once in a while. thats no reason to say xbox or ps3 is bad because there basicly the same thing just made from diffrent companys.

  21. HeartBreakKid551 on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    heres an idea lets stop being little fanboy faggs saying one sytem is better then the other and talk about how this expansion is gonna kick ass

  22. IFI92 on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    hahah enjoy your shitty wapanese Gaystation 3 then faggot

  23. ls15blade on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    Yeah and their greedy aswell cause they charge xbox users to play online BULL SHIT!!! They bribe so much because they get so fucking much when they rip people off with xbox live

  24. gielfransen on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    Well its better then the Gaystation, your bad.

  25. streetgangtm on Oktober 8th, 2009 14:09

    fuck microsoft they wont even release on the fucking pc. IM NOT GOING TO BUY YOUR FAGGOT ASS CONSOLE MICROSOFT!

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