How Do You Get Playstation Trophies, What Games Have Them And When Does Playstation Home Come Out ?

August 4, 2022 · Posted in Allgemein 

I have a ps3 but i don’t know much about the trophies. I was wondering what games have them and how to get them. Also when is playstation home coming out and how do you get it.

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3 Responses to “How Do You Get Playstation Trophies, What Games Have Them And When Does Playstation Home Come Out ?”

  1. grim_rea on Juni 13th, 2009 22:57

    okay for part one, not all games on the ps3 have trophies, games like warhawk, grand theft auto 4, rock band 2 are 3 that i know of right now. i have heard of a few other games like drakes uncharted has them, if i knew the list i would gladly inform you. now for part two. there is no CONFIRMED date for the OPEN BETA TRIAL or RELEASE DATE of if. Sony has been pushing for it to be released quarter 4 of 08, which in the time frame it has till the end of December. the only thing i know about HOME is that annual Qore members and a few other lucky people (grits teeth) received private invites to the closed beta of HOME.

  2. big dog on Juni 13th, 2009 23:20

    Do a Google Search.
    Some games that have them are Pain And Buzz.
    Home should be out 1st quarter of next year.

  3. Glenn H on Juni 14th, 2009 02:57

    you can order some through a trophy shop.
    mark k

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