iPod touch , Playstation 3 , Xbox 360 , DSi , Psp 3000 slim Review and Giveaway`s
Juli 17, 2011 · Posted in Videos zu Playstation
My review on my iPod touch , Playstation 3 , Xbox 360 , Psp 3000 , Nintendo DSi , Please like the video and SUBSCRIBE !! PEACE
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iPod touch , Playstation 3 , Xbox 360 , DSi , Psp 3000 slim Review and Giveaway`s
Juli 17, 2011 · Posted in Videos zu Playstation
My review on my iPod touch , Playstation 3 , Xbox 360 , Psp 3000 , Nintendo DSi , Please like the video and SUBSCRIBE !! PEACE
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25 Responses to “iPod touch , Playstation 3 , Xbox 360 , DSi , Psp 3000 slim Review and Giveaway`s”
I would want the xbox 360 cause mine rrod and it sucks without 1.
A ps3 sounds relaxing
ps3 pleze becasue I have xbox and alot of my friends have ps3
@AdamMatis i would like a ps3
i want the xbox so i can finally get kinect and play with my family
i want the xbox for my brothers, because they meen so much to me:)
@knighthawk1029 i have the same dilemna, except i paid for mine and my mom insists on sharing it with my brothers
My du hook it up with anything bruh
I have to share my playstation and my brothers are always on it,i would really like my own
plz can i have a xbox 360 because one of my mom close friend had died and he said that he was going to buy me a xbox 360 and he died before he could buy.so if you be kind plz pick me.
would like any of them bye
xbox plz i need on
Bro plz i need a psp i got games but my psp broke. I aint got the kind of life to but a new one. Plz bro
I would really like to have the ipod touch,I subscribed andd liked.It’d mean everything if i one.Please(:
I want a PSP 3000 Slim! I subscribed.
I pod touch, please, or dsi
i like to win an ipod touch
Can i have the PS3 or Xbox i realy need a game console
i dont get the hole paypal deal but ill send u the money on mail if you want because i want that ipod touch just let me know ill send you $20
just want the ipod touch bro please =] pik me please
bro i think its cool that ur giving this stuff away =D but i want ipod touch =] please
i want to win the ipod touch bro please =]
like the psp 3000