Prototype Body Surfing

August 15, 2022 · Posted in Allgemein 

Prototype Body Surfing FAQ Game Release Date Jun 12 2009 (UK) Jun 9 2009 (USA) Is this the Real Game? Yes What Version? Xbox 360 How did you get it? You can get info at

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25 Responses to “Prototype Body Surfing”

  1. ShitCommentAbove on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    So that’s why he wears skateboarding shoes…

  2. lcsmiller12345 on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    sweet! Im getting this game!

  3. SneezingPandaGamer on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    you can get this by typing
    and down to activate it in the extras menu

  4. Blu3PwnRRanger on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    its a cheat code….. or get further in the game

  5. mystfanc81 on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    how do you do this on the xbox 360 version? i’ve tried everything!

  6. BankOFganja on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    or if yo uhave a computer you can bootleg it

  7. Zephilindrum on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    Yeah the blade arm is the best, it hits harder than the hammerfist and you can attack faster. I hate how the claws become useless really early in the game though.

  8. NoamTube on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    I’ve found the best weapon against the hunters is the blade arm. It cuts them down pretty quick. In large groups switch to the whip or use that move that shoots spikes out of the ground. And do a lot of jumping when they attack and run like the dickens.

  9. Zephilindrum on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    Not to mention the fact that hunters suddenly zoom towards you and knock you down before you can even react.

  10. NoamTube on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    I totally agree with the blocking problem. I can’t tell you how many times I’m getting my ass kicked slamming on all the buttons trying to find the block. Till I realize there is none. They have this defense power up but it seems to do nothing.

  11. Zephilindrum on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    The missions are terribly repetitive too, lol. The missions are exactly the same, the only difference is the order that you do them in. Another thing I dislike about this game is that you can’t block, so when a crapload of hunters and helicopters are on your ass, you get knocked around like a beach ball.

  12. NoamTube on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    I wouldn’t say it’s that repetitive really. Wolverine Origins suffers terribly from that problem. But with this the missions change from being chased, to doing the chasing, to hijacking a tank or a helicoptor, and other varying things. It’s a well rounded game.

  13. Zephilindrum on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    This game is definitely a renter. It suffers the typical negative effects of a sandbox game: repitition.

    It’s still pretty fun though. The story is actually interesting (don’t believe “Legendairy”) and the combat is pretty fun. Body surfing has to be my favorite entry move, especially when you’re disguised, cause everybody’s just like “WTF”

  14. Legendairy97 on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    guys if you buy this game its a very lame story so buy at if u want its like 50 $ when i got it

  15. Legendairy97 on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    yes it is

  16. Ranz1616 on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    looks like devil may cry but much more cooler!! my cousin has this game but my pc is too weak!!


  17. Darkprinced010 on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    ofcourse it is :D

  18. coolsnape on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    lol matricx

  19. DarkSlayer888 on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    Hey I have a question; I saw you can unlock body surfing with a cheat, but is it possible to obtain it by normal gameplay?

    ty :P

  20. reitzels on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    its hard to hear by u can hear some1 yell…:)

  21. gamaking on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    when you finish the base interior, disguise as a soldier, grab a missile launcher an release hell on the outside :P

    or just disguise an grab a tank. shortest ending ever lol

  22. poiupoiuuiopuiop on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    if only we can control the surf till we stop it..

  23. Adii30 on September 30th, 2009 02:05


  24. ZedProductions7 on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    HAHA, that’s coool

  25. OKTOTYRONE on September 30th, 2009 02:05

    no he says oh s***

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