PS3 – Prototype
August 3, 2023 · Posted in Allgemein
My first words about the playstation 3 title and I also speak on my top 5 “not set in stone” movies. Share your thoughts on Prototype and your top 5 movies if you like. *UPDATE* New Soul Speak forums are in the making and will be released to all soon!
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LOTR Movie Trilogy was awesome
i love the saw series 1.saw 2.saw2 3.saw3 4.saw4 5.saw5 and this october saw 6 will be comeing out if you like twist and turns and horror and suspence then check out the saw series
1. Remember the Titans
2. Forest Gump
3. Rudy
4. Brians Song
5.Band of Brothers
Prototype is best !!
awsome game
5. 300
4.Dirty Harry
3. Good, Bad and the Ugly
2. Rio Bravo
1.Dumb and Dumber
my top 10:
2-In famous
3-call of duty 4
4-Tomb Raider Underworld
5-Uncharted Drake’s Fortune
6-Resident evil 4
7-Assassin’s creed
8-Time shift
9- Army of two
10-Resistance: fall of man
my five favourite movies
1. Aliens vs Predator-Requiem
2.Gran Torino
3.Forrest Gump
5.Halloween(John carpender)
yh, but david hayter is supposidly writing the screen play, which i think is cool coz he did that with the other games. Hes just the only guy that can play snake
I think he actually does look like a slightly rounder-faced version of young Snake and wouldn’t even mind seeing him as the actual actor posing as Snake, although I guess it’s his voice that Snake is mostly identified by.
david hayter didnt reli look like snake, but the voice is just immense and CANNOT be replaced. I think christian bale is one overrated actor, he just plays one role all the time. I want David Hayter!!!!
I think those two are also really overrated, hehe
Anyway, there IS going to be a MGS film, but I’m not sure how good it is – David Hayter won’t be playing Sanke (not even his voice). Tbh after the over 10 year long adventure of Solid Snake on the playstation David Hayter and Snake have become one and I can’t imagine anyone else being Snake.
I even heard a rumor that it could have Christian Bale in in *shudder*
its one of my faves along with transformers and the dark knight. I want there to be a MGS film tho, imagine that *drool*
I’ve seen it and even though it was good, I think it’s a bit overrated and don’t understand why some people said they “didn’t get it”. There’s not that much to get.. Not a bad movie though.
yh i get u how about donnie darko? thats a reli gd film, i recommend it
It’s a matter of taste. I really like it a lot, it left me with that sort of empty, humbled feeling, thinking “man, I just saw the most epic movie in a while” the first time I watched it.
I like loads of movies but I’m very selective about what I put on my “top lists”, and I wanted to make it so that these are all movies that affected me somehow, and Fight Club just happens to be like that.
i wouldnt of thought it wuda bin in the top 5? its alright but not brilliant
Aye. What’s wrong with it?
fight club?
5.the dark knight
4.jackass the movie
3.8 mile
2.tropic thunder
1.get smart lol
2.the goonies.
Why are all of u people jumping his ass cause he made a mistake he’s human bro we all make them get off his back people can be real assholes just keep doin ur thing soul
1. Fight Club
2.Lord of the ring 3
3.resident evil 1
4. SAW 3
5 .The red thin line
1. V For Vendetta
2. Watchmen (due to fanboyism..)
3. Fight Club
4. I’m Not There
5. Shaun Of The Dead
You got your games confused man. There are no electric powers in Prototype. Like others have commented, you are talking about Infamous.