PSN Welcome Back Program Sony PlayStation Network Get PlayStation Plus, Free PS3 and PSP Games
Full Details – Thanks for Subscribing! Here’s how to get your free PlayStation Welcome Back Program content. Sign into PSN, then go to the PlayStation Store. In the upper left hand corner (the first choice), select Welcome Back. From there you are given your free content available to download 30 Days of Playstation Plus (for new members – 60 extra days for existing) Then you get to select your 2 free PS3 Games (after you “purchase” the free game slots) Dead Nation inFAMOUS LittleBigPlanet Super Stardust HD Wipeout HD + Fury Then you get to select and download your 2 free PSP Games LittleBigPlanet (PSP) ModNation Racers Pursuit Force Killzone Liberation PlayStation Network users will also get 100 virtual items in PlayStation Home as a show of appreciation for your patience while Home was inaccessible. Additional content is coming soon, including the next addition to the Home Mansion personal space, and Ooblag’s Alien Casino, an exclusive game. A selection of “On Us” movie rentals are currently available to PlayStation Network customers this weekend only, where Video Service is available. FAQ from PlayStation Blog: Q: When will I have access to the Welcome Back Program? A: The content offered as part of the Welcome Back Program is available for download today and will be available through July 3. Q: I have both PS3 and PSP. Does this mean I will get 4 games all together? A: Yes, as long as you were a PSN member before April 20, 2011, you’ll be able to …
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25 Responses to “PSN Welcome Back Program Sony PlayStation Network Get PlayStation Plus, Free PS3 and PSP Games”
on the psp welcome back i only see the theme not the games its been like this since the welcome back started dont now if there still working on the psp ps store welcome back
@UTube4588 please help, ive done all those steps but i dont see it anywhere, not in the XMB or anything, PLEASE HELP
When I go to “Welcome Back” I only see the Pixel Wonderland Theme I do not see the games. Did they change it? Is this still available?
@UTube4588 THANK YOU
God Bless You Utube4588 thankyou very much
What games should i get?!?!?! >.<
@Zpartan117John Yeah I got a PS3
the only thing i get is the theme what could i do to download the games
it only shows me the theme
@kylewen57 yah same
WTF only wonderland pixel… Why do I only have that
@EpicGamer56 Same here, i have a psp btw
@RecordingNBAHistory dude same here but i live in the city as my friends i cant get my gamesw nor see them but they got them allready someone help
fuck in icelend u can´t get it shit fkn fuck face
its probably backed up because everybody is trying to get it
@UTube4588 when i check service list on my psp it say no content was found
All I see is the pixel Wonderland Dynamic Theme, I don’t see the other games someone please help me.
How do I get free games for my PSP? i got the two for PS3 but it didn’t show anything for Psp?
It doesn’t even say welcome back for me
It keeps on saying an error has occured when i press the welcome back thing in the psn store. Plz help
@UTube4588 thaks for the help!!!!!!
When I go to the Services List it says there is no content available.
@UTube4588 when i get on that nothing shows up can u tell me wat to do cus i think psn screwed me
@poopchannel2 no