PSP Essentials – Top Games for Less

Juni 15, 2011 · Posted in Videos zu Playstation 

PSP Essentials is a range of top PSP games re-released at low prices to give you access to great titles. The price may be small but the games themselves are first-rate, with titles from acclaimed and best-selling series including Ratchet & Clank, ATV Offroad Fury Pro, EA SPORTS FIFA 10, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Spongebob Yellow Avenger and WipEout Pulse. Available at an affordable price in shops and to download from PlayStation Store, new PSP gamers can build collections quickly while seasoned PSP fans can further expand their library. Find out more at

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25 Responses to “PSP Essentials – Top Games for Less”

  1. QwarkFan438 on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    @KhaledxIbnxAlxWalid You suck. 3DS graphics just hurt your eyes. Believe me, I was a Nintendo fan for years until I discovered PSPs. I still am a Nintendo Fan, but only for the Mario series.

  2. iamjcw2k10 on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    @KhaledxIbnxAlxWalid ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING? the ds has the worst graphics out of the current 3 portable game devices!!!

  3. iamjcw2k10 on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    @KhaledxIbnxAlxWalid GTFO!!!!

  4. TURKEYkebabz on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23


    8 Years ago?

    Wow I didn’t know that.

  5. KhaledxIbnxAlxWalid on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    @TURKEYkebabz Fail psp came out 8 years ago

  6. InjectedWithAPoison on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    @KhaledxIbnxAlxWalid Really? What game did you used to benchmark PSP’s screen? Loco Roco? Heheh. Better check out Ghost of Sparta, Peace Walker or even good ol’ Resistance Retribution. Or hell, even Tekken games. Stop being clueless ;]

  7. TURKEYkebabz on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23


    “3ds has better graphics than psp go :P

    PSP was released about 3 years ago, the 3DS was released this year, and has the same resolution of a PSP, the PSVita has about 2x the resolution of the 3DS, and Wii.

  8. KhaledxIbnxAlxWalid on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    @InjectedWithAPoison 3ds has better graphics than psp go :P

  9. InjectedWithAPoison on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    @KhaledxIbnxAlxWalid Wow, fanboy much? Go enjoy your mobile phone graphics on DS ;P

  10. InjectedWithAPoison on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    @anastazia1867 Bcause those games are awesome no matter if there’s a new console on the horizon? people are still buying PS2 games you know. Even the consoles as well. I won’t just throw my PSP out of the window the day I get PS Vita. I’ll be playing it ’till it breaks, and then get a new one.

  11. KhaledxIbnxAlxWalid on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    psp sucks 3DS rules!!!!!!!

  12. Esebi95 on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    I want to see Angry birds on the PS Vita, even though I won’t be buying it.

  13. mrisump on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    I wonder if they’ll be releasing any of the Final Fantasy games for the PSVita. I’m talking about the already made games, not games to come. E.g., Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core, or Final Fantasy: Origins.

  14. Iphoner3000 on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    @anastazia1867 cool, btw my friend is an admin over there, his name is Jay, youll probably see him online, any questions about anything just sign up and ask. a reply will be given very quickly. hope u enjoy it there.

  15. anastazia1867 on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    @Iphoner3000 ok!

  16. Iphoner3000 on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    @anastazia1867 exactly lol, speaking of vita, i found a forum u should check out
    psvitaforums co uk – enjoy

  17. anastazia1867 on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    @VUKASKO96 yeah the psp itself is 111 euros right now.this always hapens when a new console comes out i had the same with the ps2

  18. VUKASKO96 on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    @anastazia1867 Тhe sad truth is that there won’t be a lot more games for the Psp when the Vita comes out….

  19. Mickice on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    The games are $10-15 Why not?

  20. anastazia1867 on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    @VUKASKO96 i have a psp myself too but i rather wait :)

  21. funkster505 on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    what point are you making? He said it’s coming, and you agree by saying it’s not even out yet, but in the supposed tone that your statement somehow contradicts his.

  22. Fro1321 on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    @taher619 minecraft pocket editon(from psp phone) will also be on the PsVita

  23. Slipknot882222 on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    @anastazia1867 the ps vita isn’t even out yet

  24. CoolVids19 on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    @VUKASKO96 like me!

  25. taher619 on Juni 15th, 2011 23:23

    awwww man im so dissapointed. when i heard the ngp was gonna have duel analogs i was like woot woot. THEN the psp phone thing had minecraft and i was like OMG i would buy pspvita just for miecraft but then sony fucked up and let microsoft get it……

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