PULSE 9/20 Edition

Oktober 4, 2011 · Posted in Videos zu Playstation 

Join host Christina Lee for PULSE presented by the PlayStation®Network. We get an early look at the Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection, learn more about Kratos in the early years in God of War: Origins, and go zombie hunting in outer space in Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection. The Fall TV season is upon us and the Top 10 focuses on returning shows. New video releases impart the hard driving lessons of GT Academy, Kenneth Branagh directs and delves into Norse mythology in Thor, and Kristin Wiig and Maya Rudolph test the bounds of friendship in Bridesmaids. us.playstation.com (c) 2011 Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC. Pulse is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC.

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25 Responses to “PULSE 9/20 Edition”

  1. supersjaak123 on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    How the hell did this not came up in my subscription box??

  2. JakeRiles123 on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    Why does she talk like im a little kid?

  3. SCORPZ0001 on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06


  4. MrRedwoodvalley on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    @risingstarforge yeah, thanks for not being a total asshole about it and just informing me. :) everybody seems to think im a total idiot because i said japanese, i should of just said asian.

  5. MrRedwoodvalley on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    @zhangfeisa sorry, im not a fuckin expert in that section, i said a little comment, dont analyze it so much. dickwad

  6. zhangfeisa on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    @MrRedwoodvalley lee is a surname for hongkong, not japan. idiot.

  7. HonorConnor on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    Remaster Early Rachet and Clank games

  8. zzzzzz192 on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    @risingstarforge Korean

  9. assassinsgreed66 on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    Family guy is back! Woot!

  10. risingstarforge on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    @MrRedwoodvalley I don’t think japanese women have lee as their last name, she is probably chinese. Just to let you know =P

  11. chaseleviakers on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    come on sony come out with a white slim here in north america and i’ll buy it day one and i’m sure there many more like me!!! it’ll go nice with the white vita i’m gonna get…

  12. chaseleviakers on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    come on sony come out with a white slim here in north america and i’ll buy it day one and sure there many more like me!!!

  13. TheSekou1000 on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    I love Sony Thumbs up if you agree

  14. Skiroid69 on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    She looks like a horse and her voice is annoying…

  15. samipakiboi on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    I see what Sony did here…

  16. LadyMyara on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    like her!

  17. MrRedwoodvalley on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    Every fucking comment is about how hot the Japanese woman is, jesus christ, how hard is porn to look up???

  18. littleblueleprecorn on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    Hey voice is Fucking annoying.

  19. dotzlerpsn on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    Her enthusiasm is annoying

  20. wenaldy on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    Ohhhhhh Xtina… ;)

  21. AnimeFansChannel on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    @MrSnake3602 those legs are even sexyer dame Sexy ass Japanese Girl.

  22. Drenn23 on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    looking at the woman puts me at ease

  23. FillLolz on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    My dick will go so far up your ass you will choke cuz my dick ill come out you mouth

  24. tovarislas on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06

    By god I want to cream pie you

  25. paradoxofsmoof on Oktober 4th, 2011 17:06


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