Starhawk Starhawk (PS3) – 13 Minutes Gameplay Commentary Gameplay

August 21, 2009 · Posted in Videos zu Playstation 

13 Minutes Gameplay of Starhawk (PS3)
Video Bewertung: 4 / 5

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25 Responses to “Starhawk Starhawk (PS3) – 13 Minutes Gameplay Commentary Gameplay”

  1. XxXVideoVeiwerXxX on Oktober 28th, 2011 16:13

    i have not seen any tanks i wonder how they will play since the plane can go mech form and just rape…

  2. Evin0688 on Oktober 28th, 2011 16:18

    @TBird4490 yea, kinda like a reverse red faction. instead of just tearing stuff down, your building stuff up.

  3. Evin0688 on Oktober 28th, 2011 16:20

    6 jealous xbox fanboys watched this video

  4. toxicfarts911 on Oktober 28th, 2011 16:56

    @NexusARC I’ve played all the tribes games and they are only barely similar to this game.

  5. NexusARC on Oktober 28th, 2011 16:56

    @toxicfarts911 Why does no one MENTION TRIBES!!!! Seriously Section 8 is soooo easily taking a lot of inspiration from that game….sigh I guess Tribes is dead to this world.

  6. Bandido9911 on Oktober 28th, 2011 17:27

    fck you all I’ll probably b in boot camp when this game comes out (rage) DX

  7. NaMeLeSsnOOblol on Oktober 28th, 2011 17:58

    @KrAzYdArKChiLd24 yes

  8. KrAzYdArKChiLd24 on Oktober 28th, 2011 18:19

    is it both multiplayer and single player?

  9. limogirll29 on Oktober 28th, 2011 19:00

    Im such a WH groupie. and I really dont mind admitting it.. lol.. This game looks amazing. and I agree that the Blue gold.. looks KINDA GREEN too.. lol

  10. limogirll29 on Oktober 28th, 2011 19:15

    Im uch a WH groupie. and I really dont mind admitting it.. lol.. This game looks amazing. and I agree that the Blue gold.. looks KINDA GREEN too.. lol

  11. TBird4490 on Oktober 28th, 2011 19:43

    This reminds me of Red Faction Guerilla..

  12. TBird4490 on Oktober 28th, 2011 20:41

    @ExmorEditing Great. Right when the world ends..

  13. ExoSteampunk on Oktober 28th, 2011 21:13

    @ExmorEditing Oh that’s fucking wonderful! xD

  14. WdowgeNZ on Oktober 28th, 2011 21:33

    i love the mix of brutal legends fast paced RTS elements mixed with a frantic TPS game. this is gonna be all i play in 2012. please just don’t have a sony online pass.

  15. 25Arsenic on Oktober 28th, 2011 22:24

    Only thing i hear is mentioning of single player… does anyone play single player? me personally, ill pop on single player when i need to learn the controls or if my internet is down lol

  16. Warhawk778 on Oktober 28th, 2011 22:55

    The transformers (mechs) have LANDED!

  17. kiloggolik on Oktober 28th, 2011 23:17

    @JoshBall 360 players disliked it, they realized its going to kick Gears of War 3 and Halo 4s ass.

  18. MDRstudi0s on Oktober 28th, 2011 23:35

    5 eucadians dislike

  19. xIccedawGx on Oktober 29th, 2011 00:15

    @darkwatch127 congratz me too, than i apologize to you for the comment, but for others that whine all the time i shall stand by my statement as a vast majority of younger gamers anoy the hell out of everybody else

  20. AK3mm3 on Oktober 29th, 2011 00:42

    Umm to the guy tripping anyone born after 1995… I’m 18 and was born in 1993. I grew up on super Nintendo and ps1. I understand the high pitched voices u here when playing cod or any other popular game can be annoying, but don’t be an ignorant jackass. Some kids don’t know what they missed out on. I think you learn to appreciate games more when u started out playing classic games like reloaded, xtreme, donkey Kong, crash bandicut, jet moto.

  21. AlexHeasman on Oktober 29th, 2011 00:53

    Looks fucking awesome

  22. minirockettube on Oktober 29th, 2011 01:05

    He must be a monster fapper

  23. darkwatch127 on Oktober 29th, 2011 01:29

    @Honestabe86 personally. i liked the difficulty in warhawk(PS3 version) that just makes it more special. and when you finally get a hang of it.(PRO FLIGHT FTW!) IT IS FUN AS HELL!!

  24. darkwatch127 on Oktober 29th, 2011 02:21

    @xIccedawGx thats a way to be a hater on people that was born after that year O_O i was born in 1997. and no i dont have a high pitch voice. i actually have a darker voice then some of the adults then i know. and i hit my puberty when i was 11 or 12.

  25. darkwatch127 on Oktober 29th, 2011 02:49

    @jirachifan123 its an own game. but it is KINDA a sucessor of warhawk on the PS3. and still…. its not.

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