PROTOTYPE – Official Montage Trailer [HD]
Title: Prototype Release Date: June 9 2009 Platforms: PC | X360 | PS3 Label: Activision Genre: Open World Age Rating: RP
Tags:(fps)?, 360, Action, attack, bonus, broadbandtv, CGS, clips, combat, comic-con, coming, console, Controller, count, countdown, cyber, date, die..., ds, entertainment, Fire, first, Game, gun, Hit, iphone, Kill, mac, machine, media, mlg, mobile, Nintendo, now, online, person, Play, PlayStation, preview, PS2, PS3, PSP....., release, Round, score, shoot, Shooter, shotgun, sniper, Sony, soon, Stunt, teaser, Trailer, Uzi, Video, viso, war, wcg, wii, XBox, xbox360Verwandte Artikel
Nintendo 3DS – Video: Charakterklassen in Fire Emblem: Awakening Fire
3DS – Video: Charakterklassen in Fire Emblem: Awakening
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Fire 3DS – Introduction-Trailer zu Fire Emblem: Awakening Seht
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Nintendo 3DS – Übersichts-Trailer zu Fire Emblem: Awakening Fire
3DS – Übersichts-Trailer zu Fire Emblem: Awakening
Nintendo 3DS – Nintendo hat einen sechs Minuten langen Trailer zu Fire Emblem: Awakening veröffentlicht. Im Video zum Strategie-Spiel für den Nintendo 3DS wird vor allem auf die Ingame-Grafik und die damit kommenden Spielelemente eingegangen. Ein genauer …
Japan: 3DS-Hits belohnen Third-Party-Vertrauen
Die Verkaufserfolge nach der Preissenkung haben Nintendo 3DS zu einer installierten Basis verholfen, die im japanischen Spielemarkt mittlerweile Spuren hinterlässt. In den Hardwarecharts fällt in der zehnten Kalenderwoche PlayStation 3 aus der Rolle.
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Fire 3DS – Nintendo erklärt Fire Emblem: Awakening Brothers
3DS – Nintendo erklärt Fire Emblem: Awakening
Nintendo 3DS – Von einem japanischen Exklusivtitel hat sich die Fire Emblem Serie, seit ihrem West-Debüt in Super Smash Brothers Melee, zu eines der beliebtesten Strategiespielen weltweit auf Nintendos Handhelds entwickelt. Umso gespannter wird der Release der …
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PROTOTYPE – Official Ten Reasons Trailer [HD]
Title: PROTOTYPE Release Date: June 9, 2009 Platforms: PC | X360 | PS3 Label: Activision Genre: Open World Age Rating: RP
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|VGM’s I love| Breath of Fire III – Pure Again
I decided to post Videogame music because Videogame music nowadays is underrated and underappriciated, I think it needs more credit. Also because everyone is posting videogame music and most of them have I already played. I’m putting up videogame music that I love, have played and heard. If you have some good videogame music, remix, JUST WHATEVER, aslong as it has something to do with videogame-music please tell me about it, I would love to hear it. Anyho info on this game: System: Playstation/PSP GAME: Breath of Fire III Genre: RPG Composer: Akari Kaida & Yoshino Aoki Where you hear it: Credits(?) Notes: Can’t explain it really! The game is THAT good! I can’t really explain how good it is, it’s a game you just have to pick up and it’s the best in the Breath of Fire series! And some of the soundtracks are really good.
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Leider Breath of Fire III [PSP] [Essentials] Edition
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Is It A Good Idea To Microwave A PlayStation Portable?
Poll: Whats better, the Nintendo DS or the Sony PSP? Experiment #163: PlayStation Portable For some reason, you MicroKnights love watching us destroy expensive gaming consoles… and I’m not gonan lie – we’re starting to run out of them. But hey… what’s this? We haven’t already nuked a PSP?! Well hell, let’s do it! So, you’re probably wondering, Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This? Tune in to find out. Twice a week, microwave specialist Jory Caron microwaves different objects… so you don’t have to! The “Jory Caron Microwave Laboratory 2.5″ is a state-of-the-art facility equipped with tinfoil shielding, a ventilation system, emergency surge protectors, safety clothing, and many sexy microwaves. +++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks to Nyck Rusnak for donating the PSP! +++++++++++++++++++++++ ** New Episodes Every Monday & Friday! ** +++++ Support The Show +++++ FAQ Video – T-Shirts —– ideo App —- Live Show — Donate $$ — +++++ Connect With Us +++++ ::: Jonathan Paula ::: YouTube —- Twitter ——- Facebook — ::: Jory Caron ::: YouTube —- Twitter ——- Facebook — ::: Riley McIlwain ::: YouTube —- Twitter ——- Facebook — ::: ideo Productions ::: YouTube —- Twitter ——- Facebook — +++++ Video Credits +++++ Starring: Jory Caron, Riley McIlwain, & Jonathan Paula Filmed & Edited By: Jonathan Paula An ideo …