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Playstation Network and Sony To Offer Welcome Back Incentive
www.facebook.com – Like Us! bit.ly – Subscribe! Twitter.com – Follow Us! Sony’s big blunder is almost over, I’ve got the info on what they are doing for Playstation users to apologize. Hi everyone, I’m Andrea Rene and you’re watching Clevver Games. A few days ago Playstation’s Executive Deputy held a press conference in Tokyo offering apologies for the fiasco Sony has been dealing with for almost 2 weeks now. After what they describe as a malicious attack on their network, Sony shut down all online services for the Playstation to redesign parts of the network’s security. Online gameplay for Playstation 3 and the PSP are partially restored and will be fully online sometime this week. As a make good, Sony is offering PSN users a free month of Playstation Plus and complimentary entertainment content, which I’m guessing is like free movie downloads or something similar. This is a smart move because the Playstation Store will not be back online until sometime later this month. Around 78 million PSN users were affected by the outage around the globe with close to 10 million users credit card info at risk. Sony has enlisted the help of the FBI cybercrimes division to find the culprit. It was determined the intrusion occurred at one of their data centers in San Diego, California. I don’t know about you guys but I am so tired of this story, I mean get your business together SONY! What do you guys think, is a free month and some downloads good enough? Leave a comment below telling …