Playstation 4 And X Box 720 And Wii 2 And PSP 4000??

Mai 1, 2011 · Posted in Videos zu Playstation 

READ FULL DESCRIPTION!!!!!!!!!! what do you think the playstation 4 x box 720 wii2 psp 4000 will look like:O do we even know for sure that it will be coming out? also please watch video with the annotations on PLEASE we’ll need to wait and find out soon:) please view this video with annotations for max info rate comment subscribe:)

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25 Responses to “Playstation 4 And X Box 720 And Wii 2 And PSP 4000??”

  1. joebaws1 on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36


  2. pigmonkeyz444 on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    @slipperysurface101 ps4 coming in 2012

  3. slipperysurface101 on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    At least the Wii 2 and PSP NGP are guaranteed. But Sony and Microsoft agreed on a 10 year cycle for their home consoles so no XBox 720 or PS4 until at least 2015

  4. MiamiprimeFtw on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    beginning to like this song now lol.. thumbs up cuz im retarted.

  5. TheJess656 on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    One of the ps4’s looked like a toaster..

  6. specialkshea on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    lmao pswii60, very creative….

  7. b1i2g3z on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36


  8. MegaLewman on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    No ps4 coming anymore con Sony been hacked

  9. huntervaz28 on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    there is no ps4 comeing any time soon or psps

  10. GodOfSubliminal on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    These fake console videos are like cheap tabloids. They are a fucking waste of your time, and you are a complete dumbass if you think they are true.

  11. xXD3ADMAU5xX7 on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36


  12. Narutodbzgamer on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    0:34 Best game ever with a side of bread!

  13. ryozero99 on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    bro please tell me what this song ?…

  14. SuperBlahblahha on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    if the ps4 would be a waffle making machine ile would say okay
    but an toaster i mean cmon!

  15. gerkaniuksas on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    0:25 its a psx

  16. xolva1 on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    lol nice vid man the pswii360

  17. MRopticLEGEND on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    3:02 makes me feel sick.

  18. LINK5672 on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    I think mainly sony and Microsoft should team up and make a system they would make a lot more money then they do now
    It would make everyone a whole lot happier

  19. 24rguy on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    i know this is fake but the pic at 0:16 looked pretty sick!

  20. wutdatfukisup on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    exactly shayyuo ppl it is 720 not 540! quit being stupid and use your head!

  21. rafibamo1 on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36


  22. drakin344 on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    I find this hard to masturebate to…

  23. AnGeL10G on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    0:30 a ps4 toaster? what a dumbass….

  24. shayyuo on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    OMG am tire of seing ppl that say xbox 720 after 360 is 540 thumps up if yuh agree

  25. Sammyv17 on Mai 1st, 2011 00:36

    I like how the iBox only has Analog sticks because apple likes to make things “simpler”

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