Playstation Vita | The system and some of the Announced Games!
Playstation Vita ( also known as the ngp) The Playstation vita Just moments ago during our 2011 E3 press conference we proudly unveiled an incredible 2011 software lineup and amazing new PS3 peripherals, and also shed new light on our highly anticipated handheld gaming device, officially named PlayStation Vita (PS Vita). “Vita,” which means “Life” in Latin, was chosen as the name for our next-generation portable entertainment system because it enables a revolutionary combination of rich gaming and social connectivity within a real world context. By blurring the lines between interactive entertainment and reality, our goal was to design a device that offered a revolutionary combination of rich gaming capabilities and social connectivity, bringing users closer to each other and closer to their gaming experiences wherever they are. Connectivity was a key objective and our goal was to create experiences and content that would challenge the traditional notions of gaming. It was vital to make a device that was an extension of a user’s entertainment world, no matter where one would go. “PlayStation Vita”"official reveal trailer” “Dual Analog Sticks” “OLED Screen” “Microphone” “Wifi” “3g”"GPSFront and Rear facing cameras”"Front multitouch Screen” “Playstation Vita Games” “Psp 2 name”
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25 Responses to “Playstation Vita | The system and some of the Announced Games!”
psvitagamer net
For all the top VITA information you won’t be disappionted
@Dharmadus Hell yeah! I can’t wait to get my hands on this cool tech! xD
@PS3xxMichael no you have to get it through at&T
@localSickened white and black aren’t technically colours they are shades
Thanks you. This is exactly what i was looking for
@PS3xxMichael i highly doubt prob be something like £2-5 a month
This made me lol : playstation performance. So it’s gonna be really crappy and stuff? Aww. (it is joke, calm down). Oh and what’s the back-pad for?
is the 3g free?
@localSickened RACIST!!!!
@Dharmadus ALREADY DID:D
C cool^^mai il on oublier De presenter uncharted:/
ps vita has ps3 graphics, which is AMAZING
i hate the color black, i want a white one because black is the ugliest color in the world
lol NGP is ps vita
its just a new name lmao
I just came.
I really want this, but sony needs to release more info about the 3g model with contrct prices….
@WoWmasterArnark it isn´t ngt it´s ngP!!!! idiot!
lol this is fake…is said microphone by the sterio speaker…..>.< the microphone is at the very bottom,literately.
lol this is like just the same as the NGP just 1 or 2 more fetures
is the 3g going to be free? or monthly payments, if so how much?
im geting this when it comes out the 3G and wifi not just wifi and hustel kings and wipe out 2048
@Etacarlito Check out our channel. It’s a definite for anyone interested in the PS Vita. Also join our site (psvitafanbase. weebly com) At our site you can view info about the PS Vita that you can’t anywhere else, post in forums, edit your profile, post videos and photos, read PSV blogs and more!
Super high graphics on a 5 invh OLED screen on a portable device with wifi or both 3G and Wifi and 2 analog sticks ,front and rear touch and camera, microphone, SIX-AXIS motion sensor, flash cards as game discs and a (Quad) core processor!!!!!!!!
Must go and shit on headace machine from Nintendo ( I am seriusly not trolling now)!!!!
@maniacjaimin Kinect is not rubbish.The only problem is that good games aren’t released yet
But what about the Xperia Play?