Graphics Comparison: Far Cry 3 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)

März 18, 2009 · Posted in Videos zu Playstation 

Stream by 4players

PS3 ID YouTubeGamescom
Video Bewertung: 5 / 5

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25 Responses to “Graphics Comparison: Far Cry 3 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)”

  1. StalkerPoul on Dezember 19th, 2012 23:40

    Xbox = my toilet seat o_O

  2. StalkerPoul on Dezember 19th, 2012 23:45

    LOL you PWNED thm

  3. StalkerPoul on Dezember 20th, 2012 00:36

    Yes your totally right im getting this for my alienware m14x
    Though on xbox it still looks amazing. PC FOREVER!!!

  4. Christian Haley on Dezember 20th, 2012 00:39

    Both of you are fools, to say you don’t need 2 GTX 6**. I have a 120Hz Monitor which I need to play 3D…. which means I need 2 GTX 670’s to comfortably play at max settings in 3D…. learn something before you speak.

  5. Christian Haley on Dezember 20th, 2012 00:47

    Both of you are fools, to say you don’t need 2 GTX 6**. I have a 120Hz Monitor which I need to play 3D…. which means I need 2 GTX 670’s to comfortably play at max settings in 3D…. learn something before you speak.

  6. Christian Haley on Dezember 20th, 2012 01:15

    LOL Xbox looks like crap, but if you are going to do a graphics comparison, next time make sure you have PC on Ultra settings with maxx AA and DX11. Even though PC dominates this crap of a competition you put together, you are making it look bad. I have been playing this game for the past 24 hours with setting maxed out and DX11, and it looks 3 times better than this.

  7. Christian Haley on Dezember 20th, 2012 01:25

    LOL Xbox looks like shit, but if you are going to do a graphics comparison, next time make sure you have PC on Ultra settings with maxx AA and DX11. Even though PC dominates this crap of a competition you put together, you are making it look bad. I have been playing this game for the past 24 hours with setting maxed out and DX11, and it looks 3 times better than this.

  8. dragansus1 on Dezember 20th, 2012 02:19

    ps3 shit graphics

  9. OldsXCool on Dezember 20th, 2012 02:44

    I have always been a console guy until this current generation. I cannot believe the screen tearing in many modern console games. I can stand framerate drops or even constant low frames, but I cannot stand screen tearing at all. The game looks good enough on the 360, but the screen tearing is unacceptable and is by far the worst I’ve seen since Jak II on the PS2.

  10. gato90909 on Dezember 20th, 2012 03:41

    So is PS3 lol

  11. mrkracky on Dezember 20th, 2012 04:24

    You don’t need two. The human eye can’t notice over 60 fps, the 680 will run the game at 60 fps on average.

  12. mrkracky on Dezember 20th, 2012 05:16

    That’s weird… I get 30fps on max settings with a radeon hd5850 which came out in 2009. I bought another one for 100 bucks about a year ago and together they run it at 45 fps on max. If you over clock them they hit about 50 fps. You can buy two of them today for about 140 dollars. I don’t think you even know what a gtx680 is because a single gtx 680 runs the game at 60fps average on max settings.

  13. TheSLAZHER on Dezember 20th, 2012 05:50

    No mate i’m sorry but your wrong. The only reason some games visually look better on consoles is because of a ton of optimizations which are made to the console variants of the games. I don’t even think the Xbox 360 supports tessellation seen as it is clearly not using Direct X 11.

  14. TheSLAZHER on Dezember 20th, 2012 06:00

    Yeah the 7970 is a badass Graphics card. I have heard for the best results you need the 12.11 catalyst srivers or something. I can only imagine how good the game would run on a overclocked 7970 or two overclocked 7970’s.

  15. codJasper on Dezember 20th, 2012 06:36

    It’s about Far cry 3 dick. Not hitman absolution.

  16. YorkshireGits on Dezember 20th, 2012 07:36

    FarCry3, My 7970 says hello

  17. DmanDanni1998 on Dezember 20th, 2012 07:37

    Hes got his pc on medium or low settings to look like that

  18. TheTimeCatcher on Dezember 20th, 2012 07:51

    Your video codec sucks.

  19. Rocky Khan on Dezember 20th, 2012 08:09

    Xbox 360 is better if you don’t believe check comparison of Hitman absolution

  20. Rocky Khan on Dezember 20th, 2012 08:21

    I Have both High end Gaming PC and Xbox 360 i believe PC is far batter than both console
    yesterday i bought COD BO II for may 360 and same game ( Pirated ) was already install in my comp believe me PC have much batter graphics than xbox.
    but xbox 360 is better than PS3 ( Graphics )

  21. Seriksy on Dezember 20th, 2012 09:20

    I never said you should buy upgrades dickhead! I said that the graphics was much better on a good computer or that it would be better if you “could” upgrade your pc! -_- You said that Xbox wins again which is cleary wrong because a good pc can have way better graphics. Please read the comment before replying with lies. Xbox fans…

  22. MInecraftVideoGames on Dezember 20th, 2012 09:37

    Funny cuz u probably didn’t watch the video to se that the PS3 version is clearly superior.

  23. ForgotmyName1996 on Dezember 20th, 2012 10:05

    Fanboy War FTW get mature little Fanboy Kids…

  24. Kennykazey on Dezember 20th, 2012 10:13

    Wow, they’ve done an amazing job on the console versions! PC looks best, but that’s no shocker.

  25. Ernesto Avilez on Dezember 20th, 2012 10:26

    PC has better everything

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