How to get PSP tube on your psp (aka Youtube on your psp)
August 23, 2011 · Posted in Videos zu Playstation
How to get YouTube on your PSP. You NEED Custom Firmware or your data will be corrupted and it won’t work!!!
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25 Responses to “How to get PSP tube on your psp (aka Youtube on your psp)”
@kevinzazo1 Do you have Custom Firmware?
it says that the data is corrupted!!!!!! help!
wtf bitches is a frimware wdf amne
AAAhhh i couldent hear ur voice so i put head phones on and turn it up but about a min. later u hit the camera and it blows my ear out but nice video it worked
@xXxcrazymainiacxXx U need CFW…. A.K.A Custom Firmware
a psp in a psp!!
how can you get that mouse
hey pls tell me the background too
when you pick a video…, i can pick one but when u say u have to wait for it to start loading or it is at 4:41 how do yuu know its not working for mee
hey it says data corrupted plz messege back and tell me how to fix
I mean i have an ipod touch but the vid will come in handy
I have no idea y im watching it cause i havea an upod touch but thr vid will come in handy
my said the data is corrupted
look i have gotube1.2 hmm and i cant figure out how to work it…. i havent been able to watch anything…..its on a psp 2001 with 5.00m33-4 cfw…..does anyone have any tips for me or know where a good how to vid is
@jaydy11 i do wat do i do???
@MrLegoguy11 it is free
its awesome thanks you rock!
I it said for me currupted data
same as my one
thank you
is it free
what does it mean when it says currupted data
@GTABigExplosions yes
@matthetap yea
@GalZRuliN no you need 5.30 i think or lower or just cfw